Use APA format for a research paper on any Canadian craft brewery, cider company, distillery or winery of your choosing. It can be a winery you visited, or producer of perhaps your favorite Canadian beverage. It should be roughly 5-7 pages in length. Total marks available 20.
Introduction of the winery, brewery, distillery or cider company. Why you selected this particular property. Where are they located, ownership, how long they have been in operation, how many people they employ and size of the operation. General overview of the company’s core values and philosophies
2 Do a thorough SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Weaknesses) of the company. Closely evaluate how the company operates; who are their primary markets, what offerings they have with regards to distribution and sales. Do they offer retail, restaurant, event places to generate a number of revenue streams? Any community involvement or partnerships they build to leverage their brand. What perhaps is it that makes them stand out from their competitors. Any environmental practices they use and have implemented to enhance their operations, both ethically and financially. These are just some of the topics to be discussed and researched.
3 What initiatives and new protocols they have been put in place to continue operating during a pandemic. How have they pivoted operations during a time of constantly changing government regulations; to market their product and get them to the consumer?