Chapter 5 – the Global Context of Business, and Chapter 13 – Pricing, Promoting and Distributing Products. You are working as a consultant and have been hired by a company to assist in creating a company Code of Ethics in order to attract more customers to your products and to prove the company’s ethical conduct & practices. This is a smaller, private company produces casual clothing (T-Shirts, shorts) and has now begun to outsource some of its production to Bangladesh. The initial product quality has been very good, and the delivery of products to your company has also been very reliable. The company is owned by a number of independent shareholders (some of whom sit on a company Board of Directors). You have visited the factory, and while the standards may not what you would be allowed to do in Canada, generally the workers seem to be happy with their jobs. Part I – Introduction How does doing business in this country differ from Canada? You should summarize major political, cultural/social differences. (Chapter 5 – Global Context of Business). Is there any obvious Competitive Advantage to the outsourcing country Bangladesh if so, describe the Competitive Advantage. Analysis Part I – Code of Ethic Your Code of Ethics needs to address the 4 relevant areas of business (Chapter 3). There should be at least 2 or 3 points to each category that are simple, and easy to communicate for customers, shareholders and company employees alike ; 1. Responsibility towards Customers 2. Responsibility towards Employees 3. Responsibility towards Investors 4. Responsibility towards the Environment. Analysis Part II – Pricing (20 marks) A. Decide what form of Advertising Media would be most useful in promoting the company to customers in Canada, specify how you would also make customers aware of the Code of Ethics you have created (Chapter 13). B. Do you need to recommend a Pricing Strategy to the company; should this change as a result of your Code of Ethics? Describe why or why not. PART V – Conclusion You should summarize the findings in your paper stating how you think the Code of Ethics will assist the company in increasing sales in Canada. Might this influence your customers (how?) PRESENTATION (Including Bibliography/Citations) – of total Please ensure your paper has a cover page with your Name, Student Number and Class Section Number ALL papers must be individually written, consistent with CNC Academic Policy. Papers should about 4 to 6 pages long, with an appropriate Bibliography citing where you retrieved your information from. Assignments that are submitted late (up to next class) without prior approval of the instructor are subject to a penalty of - ; Late assignments that are not submitted by the following class will be marked ONLY at the discretion of the instructor. COM 100 (Fall 2019) Term Assignment Assessment Guide – Term Assignment Term Assignment Criteria Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Missing 5 4 3 2 1 0 Citation (Quoting Sources) Source is formatted to APA specifications. All citation elements are present but the citation has some formatting issues. The citation is missing a minor data element but the source is still reasonably findable. Citation is missing information such as the journal name or article title. The citation is just a copy and paste from the database or catalog record. Citation is missing, or only url is present, or only the title and author. Introduction & Background 20 Marks Major differences of doing business in the other country is summarized, focused on Political and Social/Cultural. Discussion of obvious competitive advantages is presented. Country difference is too brief, and does not cover some of the major issues of business challenges or opportunities. Competitive advantage not fully addressed. The paper is missing information needed to describe the business environment in the country. The paper is missing multiple elements and has not addressed the competitive advantages of the country. The paper is missing almost all required elements and is incomplete in multiple subjects. Missing Part I - Analysis Code of Ethics 30 Marks Well-developed code of ethics, that provide direction for all stakeholders as described. Code of ethics is not fully developed and does not describe all of the required elements. Code of ethics is partially presented, and does not provide direction to all relevant stakeholders. Summary misses some of major elements of the situation. Summary is missing most of the major elements of the situation. Missing Part II – Analysis Pricing Strategy 20 Marks A thorough discussion of how the advertising Media strategy for the company’s products should proceed. Discussion of the need to change (or not) pricing is provided. Advertising Media & Discussion is provided, but inconclusive of the need to review/change pricing strategy. Advertising media needs more explanation; discussion has not looked at potential impacts of the renewed pricing strategy. The discussion is unclear what you recommend and potential outcomes are unclear. The discussion has not identified key elements and what the outcomes could be. Missing Conclusion 10 Marks A strong summary of how you feel the company will be assisted by implementation of the Code of Ethics. Summary provided, but not as complete as it could be. Summary does not capture primary points of paper. Summary is too brief. Summary is very brief. Missing Presentation 15 Marks maximum 5 errors or less in punctuation, grammar, spelling. 6 to 10 errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling. 11 to 20 in punctuation, grammar, spelling. Up to 30 errors. Excessive errors Excessive errors