This assignment will cover many of the concepts topics and techniques discussed in class. However, the assignment will require you to research and use methods and properties not fully discussed in class. The specifications listed here are minimum specifications.
You may work in groups of 2-3 students. The assignment can be split up so that each person can work on specific parts of the assignment and then combine the parts to complete the assignment. This is how work is completed in a production environment. It is in your best interest to work together, so that all group members have a working knowledge of the entire assignment.
Due Date: Demonstrations will take place in Week 12. One person from the group will create 4 to 5 minutes (maximum) video with possibly voice included where it clearly shows the demonstration (Execute) of assignment. Late submissions will be deducted marks per the Course Standard policy.
Special needs students will be required to submit the appropriate forms by the break week, in order to have some extra time. Please be aware that your partner, unless they are also special needs, is not afforded the same privileges. Therefore, we must discuss how the assignment will be presented prior to the demonstration date. Backup your work often!!! Lost of work is not an excuse for late work
Please send me Deliverable #1 by email listing your partners name and who is responsible for what. Make sure you indicate in the subject line WIN213Nxx:Assignment (where xx is your section letters). You will be able to enroll yourself in a My Seneca group so you and your partners' can communicate and share code.
Deliverable #2 must be submitted with the final assignment. In addition, one person from each group must save all code as a text file and upload the text file along with video file to MySeneca Assignment link. Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism from past assignments and code available on the web. Your instructor will add marks for organization, comments, and neatness to your demonstration mark for a total of 15 marks.
Canadian Tire is a large national retail chain with networks across Canada. The company has hired several new developers to design and implement a new inventory tracking system. This new system requires the conversion of decimal and hexadecimal numbers to their binary equivalents. The manager of IT has asked you to create a PowerShell module which will aid the developers by saving coding time and checking their calculations. All conversions are to be recorded in a CSV file for future reference. The manager also wants the conversions to be displayed in the browser. The specifications signed off by management are the following:
1. All code is to be written as functions and packaged as a module called Win213AssignXX (XX represents a 2-digit code which will be provided by your instructor)
2. A menu created with box or shaded characters with 6 menu options. (the sixth option will be to exit the program). The menu title will be the Group xx (xx is your assigned group number)
3. Convert decimal input, 1-255, to hexadecimal\binary (1 byte maximum) using string methods
4. Convert hexadecimal input,0x2A, to decimal\binary (1 byte maximum) using string methods\operators
5. Convert binary input,00100, to decimal\ hexadecimal (1 byte maximum) using string methods
6. Menu options 1-5 must check for the existence of the conversions.csv file. If it exists, input can proceed and if it does not exist, display a warning, create it and suppress all output to the console and exit
7. All input must be validated using regular expressions or parameter attributes
8. Save all input and output to a CSV file which can be displayed at the console in table format. The CSV file will maintain a running total of all conversions, the date of the conversion in short date format, decimal, hexadecimal, and binary output
9. The CSV file must also be able to be displayed in a browser in table format.
10. All functions must contain comments and comment-based help
11. Aliases must be used for the following functions Get-BinaryNumber, gb, Get-HexadecimalNumber, gh, and Get-DecimalNumber, gd
Note: Since this is a production script, the Set-StrictMode cmdlet must be removed after debugging. Marks will be deducted if it exists in a production script.
Menu Option 1: Enter Decimal Number
1) Write a function called Get-DecimalNumber which will do the following:
· Test if the file conversions.csv exists, and if not display a warning message, create it and suppress all output to the console
· Validate user input as an integer (1-255) has been entered. If incorrect input is given display a message and exit.
· Convert the decimal input to hexadecimal and binary using string methods and display the result
· Send the output to a hash table and append to conversions.csv