By the end of this assignment, students will be able to
In this assignment, you get to act as both a historical athlete and a historical reporter who creates a special sports celebrity report.
There are four iterative stages to this essay, which need to be followed in sequence in order to reach the final stage and be graded.
Stage 1: You will select two athletes from the list below, one that you wish to ask questions of, and one that you will answer questions about (they must be different).
You must submit both choices to the instructor no later than 11 :00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of UNIT FOUR. (Iterative stage-no mark)
a. Ancient Egyptian Dancer
b. Ancient Greek Local Wrestler
c. Ancient Greek Olympic Pankration Champion
d. Ancient Greek Female Equestrian of the Greek Heraean Games
e. Ancient Roman Boxer
f. Ancient Roman Gladiator
g. Ancient Roman Charioteer Driver
h. Japanese Sumo Wrestler
i. Medieval Japanese Jujutsu Champion
j. Ancient Minoan Bull Leaper
k. Ancient Chinese Shaolin Monk
l. Sprinter at the German Olympics of the 1930s.
m. Tennis Champion of the 1980s
Stage 2: Acting as the reporter, create a questionnaire of five questions based on the athlete you chose to ask questions of in week one. These must be good quality questions, that get into the details and intricacies of the particular athlete's life. Including things such as family background, diet, training, lifestyle, social issues, wages, goals, accomplishments, etc. The main task here is coming up with solid questions that can really stimulate a good answer. Questions would have to be formulated to reflect the history of sport and its broader historical methodology. For example, the five questions may revolve around the following: the sport itself, the role of the athlete in their society, the place of the sport in history, any problems the athlete or sport may have at that time, the benefits of engaging in such as sport.
a. Due no later than 11 :00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of UNIT FIVE
b. 40% of mark based on quality of questions
Stage 3: You, now acting as the athlete being interviewed, have one week to research and write out the five answers to five questions created by another student in the previous week about the athlete you chose to answer questions about. Each answer must be at least one paragraph long and include references.
a. Due no later than 11 :00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of UNIT SIX.
b. 40% of mark based on quality of answers
Stage 4: Based on the now answered (by another student) questionnaire (which you created), write out a one-page article on the athlete who was Interviewed using a question and answer format.
a. Due no later than 11 :00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of UNIT SEVEN.
b. 20% mark based on overall quality of article which is based on the quality of your questions and the answers.
c. These articles will be posted on a class forum for everyone to review and learn from.