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Discussion Forum and Individual Case Analysis

Topic 1: Paid participation in research and autonomy

Please take the time to  reflect on and discuss the two assigned articles with your fellow group members and respond to one of the following questions. Please post your response as well as your reply to one of your fellow group member’s posts online via Moodle. 

1. Please discuss Fisher’s argument regarding structural violence with regard to the subject of paid participation in research. Are participants who engage in such activities exercising their autonomy or do material conditions, e.g., poverty, exert a coercive influence? 
2. Please discuss Kelleher’s arguments with regard to government’s responsibility to care for  its  citizens.  How  would  Kelleher  classify attempts  to  create  a  two-tiered  healthcare system in Canada to help alleviate wait times? 

Once you have read the materials for the lesson, please complete the following case analysis and post it online for review and grading by your fellow group members. Analyses must not exceed 3 double-spaced  pages.

Each  analysis  is  worth  5  points  and  will  be  graded  by  your fellow  group members, who must assign a grade from 0 to 5, based on the thoroughness of the response. You should cite relevant material in the assigned course readings as appropriate.

You are also welcome to consult external sources but must provide proper references for any quotation or citation from external  sources.

Alan  underwent  emergency  coronary  artery  by-pass  surgery  10  days  ago,  and  since  then,  his condition has remained critical. He has never completely regained consciousness.

Owing to a lung infection, he remains on a ventilator under heavy sedation.

In the past week he has developed one complication after another—total body sepsis, a life-threatening arrhythmia, hypertension, and some liver failure—for which he has received a number of drugs. Now he is in kidney failure and requires dialysis.
