NURS494 Leadership and Management in Nursing
1. Study Table 1.1 of your syllabus on the differences between leadership and management. Classify your current supervisor or a past one. Is s/he also a leader? What leadership theory would best describe her/him? What leadership qualities listed in Chapter 1 does s/he exhibit?
What are her/his greatest strengths?
2. Read your personal definition of leadership. In what way does it reflect the five practices of exemplary leadership?
3. Define the following terms:
a) Authentic leadership
b) Transformational leadership
c) Laissez-faire
d) Emotional intelligence
4. Having completed Grossman & Valiga’s Leadership Style in this Lesson, and calculated your score, do you believe the score reflects your dominant leadership style? Why? Why not?
a) In what type of work context would your leadership style be likely to be most effective?
b) How do you think you could realistically change your leadership style to be more participatory?
5. Compare and contrast leadership, followership, and management. In what ways are they similar and different?
6. Describe your ideal nurse manager Considering the pandemic context, and based on the readings in Lesson 1.1, describe an anecdote that you have observed or participated in, that demonstrates leadership in your work setting. If possible, describe how nurses are leading the way with courage and confidence to help things get better and prevent complacency.