A famous and fascinating example of natural selection is the case of peppered moths (Biston betularia) in England. These moths are found in two colour forms: speckled white and black .The colour form of the moth is determined by a gene called carb-TE. Historically, almost all the moths were white, with only a small percentage of the population being black.
The main danger faced by the moths is predation by birds. The white moths were effective at avoiding predators by camouflaging against the light-coloured, speckled backdrop of tree bark and lichen.When the Industrial Revolution began in London, urban peppered moth faced a new challenge. Soot covered all the tree trunks throughout the city, killing lichen that grew on the bark and turning tree trunks from speckled light grey to black.
The speckled white moths that once blended into the lichen-covered bark, now stood out as easy targets for predators. Those that were darker in colour gained a competitive advantage as they blended into the soot and concrete surfaces.
Over several decades, the proportion of colour forms shifted so that almost all the urban peppered moths were black, with only a few speckled whited moths.
Proficiency |
Partial Proficiency |
Proficiency Not |
Darwin's Postulates (3 marks) |
Appropriate evidence is accurately described. The link between the evidence and the postulate is clearly communicated for all four postulates (3 marks) |
Appropriate evidence is accurately described for 3 of the 4 postulates. Link between the evidence and the Postulate is not p clearly communicated for 1 postulate (2 marks) |
Appropriate evidence is accurately described for 2 of the 4 postulates. Link between the evidence and the postulate is not clearly communicated for 2 |
Inappropriate evidence is described. There is no clear link between the evidence and the postulate (0 marks) |
Gene flow — phenotype (2 marks) |
Correct response. Clear and accurate justification is provided (2 marks) |
Correct response. Some justification provided but addiIonal clarification is needed (1 mark) |
Incorrect response. Justification is unclear or missing (0 marks) |
Gene flow — fitness (2 marks) |
Correct response. Clear and accurate . justification is provided (2 marks) |
Correct response. Some justification provided but additional clarification is needed (1 mark) |
Incorrect response. Justification is unclear or missing (0 marks) |
Clarity and Organization (2 marks) |
Well-organized, good flow. No spelling or grammar errors (2 marks) |
Minor organizational errors. Minor errors in spelling/grammar (1 mark) |
Difficult to understand, lacks clarity. Many errors in spelling/grammar (0 marks) |