These are the questions being asked by the professor: (very confused myself what she is even asking of)
1.Using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose one piece of content (a lecture/video posted) and focus on one argument contained in that lecture/video.
(i) elaborate that argument;
(ii) using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose three pieces of content (a lecture/video posted) and/or your own arguments, provide three arguments to support the argument in (i);
(iii) using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test
questions, choose three pieces of content (a lecture/video posted) and/or your own arguments, provide three arguments to argue against the argument in (i).
2.Using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose one piece of content
(a lecture/video posted) and focus on one argument contained in
that lecture/video.
(i) elaborate that argument;
(ii) using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose three pieces of content (a lecture/video posted) and/or your own arguments, provide three arguments to support the argument in (i);
(iii) using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination ofthe second test questions, choose three pieces of content (a lecture/video posted) and/or your own arguments, provide three arguments to argue against the argument in (i).
3.Using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose one piece of content WHICH (a lecture/video posted) and focus on one argument contained in that lecture/video.
(i) elaborate that argument;
(ii) using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose three pieces of content (a lecture/video posted) and/or your own arguments, provide three arguments to support the argument in (i);
(iii) using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only
after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose three pieces of content (a lecture/video posted) and/or your own arguments, provide three arguments to argue against the argument in (i).
4.Using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose one piece of content WHICH
(a lecture/video posted) and focus on one argument contained in that lecture/video.
(i) elaborate that argument;
(ii) using
content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose three pieces of content (a lecture/video posted) and/or your own arguments, provide three arguments to support the argument in (i);
(iii) using content covered (lectures/videos posted) posted only after the dissemination of the second test questions, choose three pieces of content (a lecture/video posted) and/or your own arguments, provide three arguments to argue against the argument in (i).