Team / Group Project The team project involves a detailed investigation of a currently unfolding business problem. There are many business stories in the media. You are to find a business and/or any organization being challenged by the economic, competitive/technological, global, political, societal and environmental forces. Working with your group, you will do a thorough integrated strategic analysis of the company engaging your focus particularly on all these environmental factors covered in the course. The group project comprises three steps: 1. the team charter - is done 2. the team draft - is done 3. the final project report - to be done The Final Team/Group Project Report should include: • A problem statement • Analysis of the problem(s) or the forces it is dealing with • Recommendation(s) for strategies to deal with the issue(s) • Discussion of corporate social responsibility and ethical implications of the problem • Up-to-date accounts of the latest developments in the history/story. All sources should be properly cited and referenced in APA format. you only have to do the final project report stating and covering the above points the company we choose is - Radioshack