Final Assignment
You are required to develop a fire safety information sheet to communicate the need for increased fire safety awareness to the employee group working at a large scale manufacturing plant. The exact topic to be covered in the information sheet can be related to fire safety planning or operations in the home, office, or manufacturing plant, but should be relevant to front-line workers’ daily lives.
Assignment Guidelines
The information sheet should be no longer than two pages in length, neat, easy to read, and as appropriate include pictures or diagrams. Your report should be suitable for printing and distribution at work. Your report must be written and submitted in Word.doc format, using a font size and spacing that makes the most sense to be readable, attractive to eye, and noteworthy. (Note: For Mac users using the ‘Pages’ app, to export as Word, choose File > Export to > Word). Use the header to indicate your name, your personal email address, the course number and the date. Your assignment must be submitted using the Assignments link above.
Items that should be covered in the information sheet should include:
?Description of the issue concern
?How it may impact front-line workers
?Strategies to mitigate the concern
?Strategies to communicate the issue
?Pictures or diagrams to illustrate the concerns and/or the recommendations.
You should include a listing of references used to research the information sheet. Any pictures or diagrams used should also be referenced. All references can be listed on a third page.
1.Select a fire safety awareness topic relevant to the home, office, or manufacturing plant setting from the approved topic list below. If you have an idea for another topic please e-mail [email protected] for approval prior to beginning. The examples provided are generic in nature. You could have a specific fire safety issue at your workplace (such as hazards of pyrophoric dusts!) that would benefit from preparing an information sheet on the hazards, and recommended methods to eliminate or reduce those hazards.
2.Complete background research on the topic. This can include any sources accessible on the internet.
3.Develop a 2-page information sheet that is engaging, readable and interesting for a front-line worker.