In a group of 4 to 5 students (no more than 5), each group will conduct a review ofrelevant accounting research literature on a specific topic chosen by the group. Thegroup research report is due at the beginning of the last class and it should not exceed20 pages in double space, excluding the cover page and list of references.The final research report should include the following:
a) A clear description about the research topic and the key research question(s) to beaddressed in this line of research, as well as the scope and objectives of theliterature review,
b) Discuss why this research literature is relevant to accounting practices and whatmotivates the group to choose this research topic,
c) Synthesizing the principal research articles in this area and the key findings in theresearch articles included in the literature review,
d) Discuss the important contributions and new knowledge generated from this lineof research,
e) Discuss the implications and key insights from these research studies for futureaccounting practices, managerial decision making, or investment decision making,
f) A critical assessment of the limitations and weakness in the existing research andpossible directions for future research