You will pick one of the questions below. These questions are sourced from the different chapters we have covered in class. When you have picked a question, you will write a Two Page - Double Spaced (500 wordl response. Note: This does not include title page or references. A good answer will provide a thorough definition of the concept, as well as an example. You do not need external sources; however, you are required to cite the textbook when necessary. To better familiarize you with the guidelines for further assignments, a title, reference Page. and correct page  numbering are required. Assignment Must Be Submitted In a Microsoft  Word Format- .Doc Or .Docx. No Exceptions. Â
Not so subtle Hint: the citation for this book is as follows. Refer to the resources provided in blackboard for further instruction on in text citation and formatting rules.Â
J.J. Macionis, S.M. Janson, C.M. Benoit, and J. Burkowicz, Society: The basics, seventh canadian edition, Pearson Education Canada, 2019.Â
1. List the benefits of the sociological perspective. Provide specific examples of how applying the sociological perspective to your daily life benefits you (must incorporate elements of chapter 1)Â
2. How does a micro-level analysis differ from a macro-level analysis? Provide an example of a social pattern at both levels. (Must incorporate Chapter I, 2, or 3)Â
3. What is a subculture? Do you think that teenagers constitute a distinct Canadian subculture? Why or why not? (Must incorporate Chapter 2)Â