1.When Dr. Farmer hit the pig with his car that forcedout on the roadby local some children, he gave his son James Farmer (Jr) some explicitinstructions that James (Jr) did not follow.oWhat were those instructionsand whydid he thinkthey were necessary; oWhat motivatedDr. Farmer’s concernsto give those instructions? oWhy did James Farmer (Jr) likely not comply with those instructions?oWhy was it appropriate to pay the white farmer a grossly inflated price for that pig accidentally killed?2.Why were the local officials such as Sheriff Dozier so afraid and disturbed that the Blacks were organizing a union of croppers?oWhy was there such a mixed reaction and emotions among the Blacks about organizing the same union?oWhat motivated Mr. Tolsonto attempt to lead this movement? (i.e., what was to gain?)oFrom your vantage point, what did each side have to gain and looseover this issue?3.What were the motives for the Debaters to join and continue to participate in the Debates?oWhat motivated Henry Loweto join the debaters?oWhat motivated James Farmerto join the debaters(Jr)?oWhat motivated Samantha Booketo join, leave and again join the debaters?oWhat motivated Hamilton Burgess to leave the debaters?4.Thinking about the Lynching scene where Mr. Tolson stopped Henry Lowe from getting out of the car to cut the Black man down:oWhat do you think would have happened if Henry Lowehad tried to cut down the man?oThinking about the current Black Lives Matter sweeping across the global community, how much do you think things have changed since the live events this movie was based on occurred?