BBB4M International Business Fundamentals
Brief Description (Turnitin Paper)
Unlike Participatory Learning Activities, where the focus is on collectively generating and sharing one’s learning, Unit Exercises are individual endeavours.
Submission Instructions
Write 500 words using APA style format to answer each of the following questions: six exercises worth 5% each, posted in their corresponding. Each report should comprise of an introduction, analysis, and a clear conclusion.
The requirements of citations in your report:
• When you directly quote, paraphrase, or use an image from an external source in your presentation (including your course readings), include an in-text citation on your slide: (author's last name, year, and location information if you are using a direct quotation). Use a page number or a paragraph number to specify the location of the quotation in the quoted text when embedding it.
• When paraphrasing, rather than directly quoting text, simply use the author's last name and year.
• All in-text citations must have a corresponding reference on a separate “Reference” slide at the end of the slide deck, just as you would include a “References" page at the end of a formal paper.
• List your sources in alphabetical order by author's last name.
• No Wikipedia or similar references will be accepted as scholarly citations.
Exercise Questions:
Regional trade agreements are essential to a country’s continued economic growth. Consider one recent regional trade agreement and show how it has impacted the economic growth of its members. Use recent data to support your arguments and provide evidence of the benefits of your chosen trade agreement.