PhD in Business (General Management)
Currently, I am employed as a senior manager at a leading MNC in Singapore. Teaching is my passion and is the perfect place for me to pursue my dreams...Read more
My areas of interest are- social media marketing, social media management, web content development, advanced search engine optimisation (SEO), mobile relations and digital marketing and digital public relations. Read Less
Introduction: Academic research and writing are amongst the most challenging and important tasks faced by post-secondary students. The ability to locate quality research and discern and clearly communicate the value of that research to others is a distinguishing feature of the truly educated, critical thinker. While many students think their research and writing abilities are strong, the standards in post-secondary are often very different than those required in high school or the workplace. Mor...
Get AnswerThe Significance of Brands for Managers and Consumers1,500 word essay, 30% of module mark Brands have become a ubiquitous and omnipresent phenomenon in our contemporary world. They are indispensable for companies and consumers alike. Critically discuss this contention. HOW TO APPROACH THE ESSAY: In order to answer the question you should explain why (you believe/think) brands have become an important issue for managers and consumers and such widespread phenomenon within society in general...
Get AnswerKay's Case: Overcoming Substance Abuse During PregnancyKay is the familyâs identified patient (IP). She has a history of poly-substance abuse (crack-cocaine, marijuana, and alcohol). Kay recently completed a 28-day inpatient, detoxification program, which was precipitated by her desire to be clean and sober during her pregnancy. She is approximately six months pregnant. To my knowledge, Kay is currently clean and sober. Kay lives with her mother off and on, though her relat...
Get AnswerPrefaceBefore you start this project, please be sure that you have completed all of the following activities.Read the project all the way through before starting. For example, there are some suggestions in the last section.Complete all reading and watch all videos for Modules 1, 2, and 3. Ensure that you understand number systems, codes, Boolean logic, and combinational logic circuits and that you are familiar with Logisim.Note the grading policies, including policies for submitting assignmen...
Get AnswerStrategy Context – OrganizationalElon Musk’s Quotes about Tesla 3 “We’re going to go through at least six months of production hell,” July 17, “Yes, excessive automation at Tesla was a mistake. To be precise, my mistake. Humans are underrated,” and “The Model 3 is overly ambitious, and the production process too technical” Twitter April 18. "I wrote in 2006 the master plan for Tesla and step three was an affordable car, at least reas...
Get AnswerBackgroundThe assessment for this course comprises of 2 individual assignments. You should be using the same brand for both so that Assignment 2 follows on from Assignment 1. Please note that although both assignments are practical, I will still expect you to engage with the academic literature and do research. You should access marketing-specific journals (e.g. Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Marketing, Journal ...
Get AnswerContent of PaperWrite university level academic paper about a topic relevant to the field of care of the adult client A disorder related to an altered immune system/infection eg: HIV/AIDS In the assignment, discuss the role and interventions of the nurse in above topic. Express ideas clearly, to synthesize material, and present a logical argument is an essential skill for nurses. The paper should be a maximum of 10 pages, including a Title page, Section Headings, and References. ...
Get AnswerQuality of Presentation• All material is thoroughly and correctly referenced.• Citations are given in the Harvard format, unless specifically specified otherwise in the assignment brief.• Direct quotations from sources are referenced with page numbers.• Appropriate use has been made of tables, diagrams, graphs and pictures.• The use of formatting (line spacing, font, justified margins etc) is consistent throughout.• The text is clear and readable, without typog...
Get AnswerUnit Learning OutcomesUnit Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding. MSc Project Management ? critically informed knowledge of Risk and Quality framework and standards alongside related tools and techniques in the context of Project Management. MSc Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management? critically informed knowledge of Risk and Quality Management framework and standards alongside related tools and techniques in the context of Operati...
Get AnswerTask RequirementsWrite a reflective essay of 1000 words to: ? Explain how you have developed as a learner during this module, giving examples from your experience on the module. ? Explain how you will approach the future challenges and expectations of a university course. This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: LO 1 Demonstrate effective communication skills, applicable to academic and profes...
Get AnswerProgramming: 5 Pages, Deadline: 5 days
Expert worked hard to ensure satisfaction with the assignment. Though lacked information on its competitors, the overall essay was great. I could have ...
User ID: 3***27
Thesis: 8 Pages, Deadline: 6 days
excellent work
User ID: 3***7
Course Work: 1 Page, Deadline: 3 hours
Good job, the work performed was very appreciated. Unfortunately, we did not receive the right answers. Otherwise, I would have sent it to you. The ma ...
User ID: 3***62
Assignment: 1 Page, Deadline: 6 hours
Another "A" from this site, I can not express how much they have helped me and how wonderful they are.
User ID: 2***35
Assignment: 8 Pages, Deadline: 24 days
Great work
User ID: 4***7
Assignment: 2 Pages, Deadline: 29 days
I am just satisfied with the graded but not that satisfied but overall the communication and efforts good
User ID: 6***1
Essay: 2 Pages, Deadline: 2 days
Remarkable work. I got what I need exactly. I got proper referencing and plagiarism report. Thanks for help guys. Really appreciated.
User ID: 1***62
: 0 Pages, Deadline: 21 hours
amazing work
I would recommend to all
This should be used as often as required !
User ID: 1***7
Programming: 4 Pages, Deadline: 1 day
I am satisfied overall but the expert did not write the conclusion, it is missing.
User ID: 3***20
Essay: 10 Pages, Deadline: 7 days
it was okay thank you for your effort i wish you best i think it can be improved
User ID: 5***23