Master of Sociology with Specialization in Social Sciences
I am currently pursuing my PhD in this subject. I am a professor in a college with few years of experience. Along with this, I am also involved with ...Read more
I am good at creative writing. I also know everything included in this subject with all intricate details. I am good in writing assignments specially case studies where I do lot of research before producing the content. Read Less
Literature StudyThat the material contained in my dissertation/journal paper is the result of my work and that due acknowledgement has been given in the bibliography and references to all sources be they printed, digital, or personal, using the Cite Them Right bibliographic referencing system. I agree to an entire digital copy or sections of my dissertation/journal paper being placed on the Blackboard module if deemed appropriate, to allow future students and academic staff the opportunity...
Get AnswerProject GoalsProject Goals 1. To select the methodologies that can lead to proper solutions and foster teamwork. 2. To determine and research different factors that can impact decision making processes. 3. To apply multiple quantitative decision-making techniques and evaluate them. 4. To provide a critical interpretation of the different methodologies and regression analysis used. 5. To apply proper technique and interpretation for break-even analysis. 6. To research elements that...
Get AnswerTypes of Hydro Turbines and their conditions of useQ1.a) i) In your own words, discuss the different types of hydro turbines available and under what flow and site conditions they can be used. (6) ii) A hydroelectric generating set operates at a rated head of 15 m, a rated flow of 0.65 m3/s and 1200 rpm. Determine the rated output power and its Capacity Factor, if it has an overall efficiency of 85% and produces an energy output of 520,000 kWh per year. Also select the most appropriate turbi...
Get AnswerHealth Factors in India and SenegalYou Will Identify The Two Countries You Would Like To Use To Create Your Project. You Must Obtain Instructor Approval For Your Choice Of Countries. Do Not Proceed To Work On This Project Without Your Instructor's Approval. Health systems in India and Senegal are developing in every aspect. Each of the country's health system is different from each other. There are many health problems of the people in these countries and people are affected by many diseas...
Get AnswerLearning OutcomesIn this project you will develop a simplified system for an automated taxi service, including both the agents (the 'taxis') and the central dispatcher. The taxis will have a map of the service area, although it should not be automatically assumed that all routes shown are passable (due to roadworks, obstructions etc). You will be asked to consider planning, search, constraint satisfaction, and reasoning in both certain and uncertain environments 1. Identify where AI tech...
Get AnswerClinical ScenarioThe clinical scenario below will provide you the information to enable you to complete the laboratory report. Completing the report gives you the appreciation of the techniques used in cellular pathology and the final diagnosis for the patient is the put together of all the techniques used. Gender: F Age: 79 years old Clinical details: right hemicolectomy Right hemicolectomy comprising on ileum measuring 40mm in length and up to 15mm in diameter along with caecum and ...
Get AnswerDescriptionThe Student Will Learn About a Specific Theoretical Model Hand-Picked During The First Class. Students Must Prepare a Summary. This Summary Must Contain The Following Information: Fundamental Bases, Description, Assessment Method, Proponed Diagnosis, Counseling Processes Contemplated. The learning theory model is defined as a theory that suggested the process of how students absorb the knowledge, process the knowledge and retain knowledge during learning. In this case, cog...
Get AnswerTitle pageFor an assignment of this nature the key words are clarity and conciseness. You should ensure that the methods and design chosen match your aims and objectives. In other words, your research design/methodology should flow logically from your research aims/objectives/hypotheses and/or questions. 1. Title page Try to choose a title that captures/describes the essence of the study, and avoid the use of 'tabloid-like' titles: this can either be descriptive or declarative (i.e. incorpora...
Get AnswerBackgroundThis case study considers the likely benefits and costs to Frederick Memorial Hospital resulting from a decision to reconfigure its courier service by way of vehicle diversification and route realignment. Presently, Frederick Memorial Hospital couriers employ inefficient utility vans on redundant routes that are not meeting the hospital’s entire demand for courier services. In fact, continuing courier service operations as currently configured will result in a cumulativecommer...
Get AnswerDiscussing Atwood’s 'you fit into me'Need to do topic 5 that is Limitations of an innocent speaker for ESSAY 1 with refrences. 1. Discuss the painful, double-sided nature of Atwood’s clever simile in her poem, “you fit into me” and how it illuminates the complexity and/ or difficulty of its fraught subject. What is the primary feeling that arises from this disturbing poem’s use of such a simple poetic device? First you will need to decide what you think the ...
Get AnswerAssignment: 6 Pages, Deadline: 4 days
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Home Work: 8 Pages, Deadline: 7 days
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Essay: 16 Pages, Deadline: 19 days
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Home Work: 0 Pages, Deadline: 4 days
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Essay: 4 Pages, Deadline: 10 days
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Assignment: 5.6 Pages, Deadline: 15 hours
For the assessment ,when i got it , i read and understand all the points which all made sense to me but im not sure how much i will be scoring thats w ...
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Programming: 0 Pages, Deadline: 2 days
Excellent job, exactly what i wanted in terms of expectations. Even finished before the tight deadline
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Essay: 8 Pages, Deadline: 14 days
After I proofread the assignment that I ordered, it was perfectly done and meets all the criteria that is required for the assignment
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Thesis: 10 Pages, Deadline: 9 days
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Thesis: 8 Pages, Deadline: 3 days
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