PhD in Accounting
I have written assignments in various areas of accounting like billing, supply chain, inventory, bookkeeping, fund accounting, cost accounting, tax accounting and reconciliation...Read more
Accounting like billing, supply chain, inventory, bookkeeping, fund accounting, cost accounting, tax accounting and reconciliation. Read Less
The aim of this unit is to enhance students’ understanding of how business law is applied to the running of a company. Students will gain knowledge of business law and examine the impact of the law on business operations and decision-making. Throughout the unit students will identify legal solutions available to business owners and assess their suitability. Their experiences in this unit will help them better understand the areas of law in which they will want to specialise. They will be...
Get AnswerPlagiarism definition and proceduresPlagiarism is presenting somebody else's work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student's coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by...
Get AnswerIntroduction and Background/contextual information• Choose ONE of the following ethnographic articles, and conduct a case study analysis using at least TWO other academic sources. Only ONE of these sources may come from assigned course materials (including the textbook, and other assigned articles). o Bourgois, Philippe. 1998. “Just another night in a shooting gallery.” Theory, Culture, & Society 15(2): 37-66. o Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. 1985. “Culture, scarcity,...
Get AnswerUnit LessonUnit LessonOrganizational DiagnosisDuring this unit, we will focus on the diagnosis process and how it can assist the organization in determining the gaps that exist between the current and desired performance areas. The diagnosis phase also helps the organization see how its goals can be achieved by making changes within the organization (Rothwell, Stopper, & Myers, 2017). There are nine steps in the diagnostic process. These steps are listed in the graphic below  ...
Get AnswerQuestionsRequired Tasks:In this part of the assignment, a server implementation, in C using WinSock API (Application Program Interface), is provided. For MacOS Users – please use the alternative, explained in the labs! Please note that MacOS does not support WinSock API and Putty. You are required to test out its functionality using a Telnet client, understand how the program works, then carry out the required tasks, according to the specifications listed below: Task 0:• If you ...
Get AnswerStrategic Grounds Evaluation2 INF4825 January 2022 The following is valid for all the questions that follow. ⢠You will receive marks for explaining and demonstrating the different concepts in your own words and examples. ⢠You will not get marks for simply repeating what is available in existing documents e.g. your prescribed material. ⢠Remember academic referencing. QUESTION 1 [28 marks] Use any software development project that you have ...
Get AnswerInstructionsBy doing this assignment, you will learn how to build a ray-tracer with MPI and OpenMP.Please read the research paper regarding Parallel Ray Tracing using MPI or OpenMP before starting this assignment. 1. Refer to the legacy code in “simple-ray-tracing”, please write your own program of a ray-tracer which is running in with serial algorithm (not parallel algorithm). 2. Now you have your non-parallel ray-tracer built. You need to change to make your ray-tracer progr...
Get AnswerLearning OutcomesOn successful completion of the module, students will be able to:1. Apply and analyse scenarios in foundation theory in project scenarios.2. Critically appraise the role of slope stabilisation and assessment, including the contribution of water and seepage, in embankment design.3. Critically evaluate the collection and appraisal of data related to PAS 128 (utility investigation). COURSEWORKYou are required to carry out a utility survey ne...
Get AnswerQ1. Identify five common project risk strategies employed to address threats that your project may face. Give an example of each. Marks: 20 Q2. Projects are often completed late. Describe the techniques you would use as a project manager to improve the accuracy and reliability of your project schedule. Marks: 20 ...
Get AnswerContribution of immigration on world population distributionIn the UK since 2010, the population dynamics has dominated the political discourse. Central to this discourse is growing ageing population and immigration. The primary argument for the 2016 Brexit referendum was that the UK withdrawal from the European Union will allow the UK government to implement stricter immigration regulations. The opponents of immigration maintain that economy, schools, health care services, housing and employ...
Get AnswerAssignment: 6 Pages, Deadline: 16 days
excellent and great work, submitted on time.
thanks for the high quality work.
i would refer to my friends.
User ID: 1***09
Essay: 2 Pages, Deadline: 14 hours
HE DID AN AMAZING JOB, here's my teacher's feedback:
Nice work on a tough assignment. You are able to define important economic terms and put them ...
User ID: 6***61
Home Work: 1 Page, Deadline: 6 days
Thank you so much! The experts really helped my assignment and was very understanding and patient with me.
User ID: 7***33
Home Work: 1 Page, Deadline: 9 days
Received an A! Thank you. Quick response and a very fair price :-)
I would definitely use these services again.
User ID: 9***8
Assignment: 3.2 Pages, Deadline: 8 days
good work ,i always get good mark from the assignmnet help ,thank you for helping and making trustworthy for the public
User ID: 4***73
Assignment: 8 Pages, Deadline: 14 days
This writer help me lots I hope so get good marks.They writer more references then I expected get
User ID: 2***5
Assignment: 4 Pages, Deadline: 1 day
with good communication a very good piece was produced and I'm just waiting to see what grade I get. thank you once again
User ID: 1***76
Assignment: 10 Pages, Deadline: 2 days
Very qood writer for auditing. I am 100 percent satisfied with the mark. Thank you so much writer.I got 25
User ID: 1***08
Assignment: 2 Pages, Deadline: 15 days
fantastic work, it was ready on time, good references and good format, they followed all the instructions, thanks
User ID: 4***37
Assignment: 1 Page, Deadline: 22 hours
I appreciate your thorough work and following the instructionsI think you did great job so thank you
User ID: 8***34