Questions 1.Examine the health-promoting school and IVAC approaches, the research evidence for these two approaches, the ‘We Act’ intervention design & objectives, and discuss the rationale provided by the researchers for conducting a process evaluation on implementation fidelity2.Discuss what the intervention theory is for the ‘We Act’ intervention, and identify the three pillars of the intervention and their corresponding elements.3.Identify the data collection methods and procedures, and explain the rationale why the researchers utilised these methods / procedures. 4.Examine and discuss the relevant results related to Reach, Dose & Delivery, and Context, found by the researchers in the implementation of the ‘We Act’ intervention, that provide findings that allows aspects of the intervention to be improved / modified / changed.5.Imagine that the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Health Promotion Board have decided to bring in the ‘We Act’ intervention to mainstream schools in Singapore. You have been tasked to conduct an evaluation to assess its feasibility in our local context. Apply the concepts covered in SWK290 to state and explain (a) the type of evaluation you would conduct, (b) the chosen research method (i.e. qualitative, quantitative or mixed), (c) three stakeholder groups (i.e. target participants) you would engage as part of this evaluation, (d) the corresponding data collection method (e.g. interviews) you would use to engage each of the three 3stakeholder groups, and (e) at least two different sampling methods you would use to sample stakeholders into the evaluation. Explain the rationale for your choices