This group assignment is developed in a collaborative context, hence, as you are playing the game and as you prepare the video, you will be working in teams. Hence, alongside developing your knowledge of supply chain, you will develop your collaboration and team-working skills. The assignment is group presentation that is designed to develop your ability to convey your ideas and your presentation skills.
1. Preparation- Familiarity with material; Knowledge of subject; Depth of research
A = 7-10
Your presentation was clearly well-prepared as a team effort. Your group demonstrated the ability to analyse the results and thoroughly apply relevant theories/concepts within the simulation scenario.
Some indicators of an A grade:
All speakers are engaged with the presentation and the flow between speakers shows that they were all well-prepared for the presentation.
Thorough, in-depth analysis of the results of the game has been made
Supply chain strategies and theories were researched and well-applied to the simulation scenario
B = 6
The team had effectively prepared for the presentation. Simulation data was handled well for the most part. Relevant theoretical ideas were used on the presentation.
Some indicators of a B grade:
There was evidence that the presentation had been rehearsed and for the most part speakers seemed well-prepared.
Analysis of the game scenario was presented knowledgably.
Evidence of good research on the topic area is evident
Supply chain theories had been researched and applied, but in places more depth would improve this.
C = 5
The key aspects of the game were explored and understood. However, the presentation in places needed more thought and research. Some analysis of the simulation data was skimmed over and needed more depth.
Some indicators of a C grade:
Some good research on elements of the game had been conducted.
The data is presented clearly, but not in enough depth.
The presentation was un-polished in places and speakers needed to be more fluid in their deliveries.
D = 4
Presentation was largely descriptive rather than analysing the simulation data. There needed to be more depth as the simulation data was not always well-understood and analysed.
Some indicators of a D grade:
Simplistic explanation of the results that did not demonstrate understanding in detail
There was not enough connection to the theory
Description did demonstrate some knowledge of the supply chain concepts
F = 3 and below.
There is no evidence that the team understood the simulation data or considered the practicalities of managing different functions in a supply chain.
Some indicators of an unsuccessful attempt:
Superficial presentation of simulation results
Supply chain theories not really understood or explored in the simulation game context.
Team were not presenting the ideas fluently and were reading from the slides.
2. Presentation Content - Explain your team’s supply chain strategy and main operational aspects.
A = 14-20
The teams’ strategy is well-developed and there is a sophisticated exploration of the role of operations.
Some indicators of an A grade:
Teams’ strategic intent is explained and well-referenced.
There is an eloquent understanding of the operations required to deliver the strategy chosen.
B = 12-13
The simulation is reflected upon with a clear understanding of the strategy pursued and this is well-linked to the operational processes.
Some indicators of a B grade:
There are some good references to supply chain strategy.
It is evident that there is good understanding that the strategy relies on the operations processes to succeed.
C = 10-11
The strategy is discussed, however, there is not enough reference to theory. Furthermore, the presentation needed further evaluation of the operations.
Some indicators of a C grade:
Strategies within the game needed to be linked to theoretical constructs - more reading/research was needed
Some consideration of operations is given here.
D = 8-9
The team shows a rudimentary grasp of the supply chain strategies, but this needed to be more analytical.
Some indicators of a D grade:
No real connection between the game and supply chain strategy is made.
Only a basic understanding of the operations processes is shown.
F = 7 and below.
The team did not really explore the strategy they pursued. It was not clear the team understood the significance of operations for delivering strategic objectives.
Some indicators of an unsuccessful attempt:
No depth in the explanation of the strategy chosen.
Operations processes not considered.