1. This is a group assignment.
2. No extensions are available for this assessment.
3. Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work.
4. You must provide a hard copy of your group’s meeting proforma 24hrs before your assessment.
5. Ensure that the group’s meeting proforma include all the group members’ names and SID numbers.2
6. Use Harvard referencing to acknowledge the sources
7. Your group’s meeting proforma should include a Reference List
Assignment Question
As a partner organisation of Lewisham council’s health and wellbeing board, you have been asked to attend a health and wellbeing board meeting to provide an oral report on your organisation’s performance against the local authority’s mental health priority within the health and wellbeing strategy.
Your group must choose one of the following partnership organisations that provides health and social care services within the borough:
1. Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
2. Community Connections Lewisham
3. Youth First (TNG Youth Club)
Work as a group of four to research how your chosen organisation performs against the mental health priority.
Research the health and wellbeing strategy produced by the health and wellbeing board for Lewisham council. Use their most recently published joint strategic needs assessments (JSNA) and joint health and wellbeing strategy that is available on the Internet to determine the health and social care needs of the local population within the catchment area.
Each group member must report on two elements of the Steepled e.g., Social and Technological, Economic and Environment, Political and Legal, Ethical and Demographics.
1. You must outline each of the two elements of the Steepled analysis that you have been allocated. Suggested structure: 1st person, social and technological factors; 2 nd person, economic and environmental factors; 3 rd political and legal factors; 4 th person, ethical and demographic factors.
2. Then discuss the two elements of the Steepled analysis in relation to how each one meets the mental health priority stated in the health and wellbeing strategy.
3. Make one recommendation for each on your Steepled findings. You need to mention how the chosen organisation can maximise
strengths/opportunities and minimise weaknesses and threats against meeting the health and wellbeing priority.
4. Students can bring in their group proforma as notes (see separate proforma).
Reference all sources used in your Steepled analysis, discussion, and recommendations. Provide a completed reference list at the end of the proforma that you will submit 24hrs prior to assessment.
Individual marks 80%
Group Mark 20%
1. There are 60 marks available individually for the Steepled discussion. For the student to be awarded, for example, 30 marks or above, the student must include some research taken from the key resources such as the local authority health and wellbeing strategy and must have linked the discussion to two of the key points from the Steepledanalysis
2. There are 20 marks available individually for presentation skills, for a higher mark, the structure should be followed and the key research and reading evident and referenced within your oral report.
3. There are 20 marks available as a group for effective group work and collaboration. Student’s work should be uniform in knowledge of the company and its performance against the mental health priority. Group members should submit the completed proforma to support the collaboration and response to the task as a group task. The discussion should demonstrate professionalism in researching and sharing information as a group where all members contribute their skills and knowledge of the organisation's performance against the health priority