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Critical Appraisal of Digital Marketing Activities: Assessment Task

Assessment Format

Assessment Format: CW - Report Mode of Submission: Canvas: Online submission via Canvas It is not recommended to submit via the Canvas App due to some limitations in the App functionality. We would suggest instead that submission is made on a browser from a computer or mobile device. It is not recommended that you submit your assignment or take a quiz on a cellular or satellite connection. This is because loss of internet connection during assessment is most commonly associated with these services, although we understand that sometimes this is the only option. Wherever possible, we would recommend that assessments are submitted or undertaken on WiFi or hardwired (ethernet) connections. Large files are best submitted on a hardwired internet connection (i.e., not WiFi). Weighting: This assessment is worth 100% of the Module mark Assessment Level: 6 Element Learning Outcomes: The element learning outcomes for this assessment are: 1-3 Marking Approach: Fine-graded Feedback Release Date: 18/01/2022 Assessment Task Detail and Instructions: Task:  3,000 WORDS Critically appraise the digital marketing activities of an organisation of your choice considering its objectives and key performance indicators and make recommendations for improvements in the next planning cycle. You should analyse and produce a report the digital presence of your chosen organisation and use wider reading from published reputable sources including journal articles, newspaper articles, blogs, research statistics, best practice examples and published interviews in the trade press to support your analysis. You will be expected to read widely from academic and professional sources to support your recommendations. You can use charts, illustrations, applied models and frameworks, and screenshots to audit the organisation but please be aware when using images that there are limits on the file sizes Canvas can accept. Rationale for assessment design: The assessment for this module consists of one element, a critical appraisal of the digital marketing activities of an organisation of your choice to test your understanding of digital marketing theories and practice, and to critically review an organisation’s strategy and performance. Guidance Resources: Canvas and various other materials provided or suggested within the classes or found on this module site. Assessment Marking Criteria / Scheme: Learning Outcomes Anglia Ruskin modules are taught on the basis of intended learning outcomes and, on successful completion of this module, you will be expected to be able to demonstrate you have met these outcomes. Knowledge and Understanding: Understand the management and execution of marketing using electronic media; Knowledge and Understanding: Demonstrate a comprehensive and insightful understanding of the current theoretical frameworks and models which are relevant in online Consumer Behaviour; Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills: Critically appraise the digital marketing activities of an organisation in the context of objectives and metrics. Weighting: 100% Quality of report: quality of analysis using a wide range of professional and academic sources and digital tools; presentation of the analysis using appropriate models and frameworks; ability to communicate findings. Mark: 30% | Learning Outcome: 1,2,3 Critical thinking: quality of the appraisal of the organisation’s activities in relation to its objectives and metrics; development of argument and identifying limitations and strengths in their digital strategy. Mark: 40% | Learning Outcome: 1,2,3 Recommendations: clarity and relevance of the recommendations in relation to the audited findings and appraisal; use of wider reading to support recommendations. Mark: 20% | Learning Outcome: 1,2,3 Presentation, including structure, referencing, style, clarity, visuals, communication skills, supportive analytical tools etc. Mark: 10% Feedback Arrangements: Written academic feedback through Canvas. Links to important regulations / advice about late submissions etc. Without requesting an extension you can still submit assignments late, up to five working days after the submission deadline. Submitting late, without an authorised extension, will result in the element of assessment to which the assignment contributes being capped at 40%. Please do speak to a Student Adviser at the earliest opportunity if you have passed the deadline for submission. Full details on Late Submissions are here: to an external site. Student Advisers: Please contact a Student Adviser at the earliest opportunity, and before your deadline, if you are experiencing issues that may affect your submission, as they manage any extension requests and exceptional circumstances applications. to an external site. The form to request an extension from the Student Advisors is here: extension request form (Links to an external site.) Students’ Union Advisers You can also seek independent confidential advice & support about extensions if you are still not sure what to do and want to talk things through with someone outside of your Department or Faculty. Please contact ARU Students’ Union Advice Service (Links to an external site.) to make an appointment. Re-Assessment Arrangements: Resits - Rework on your assignment, after looking at your feedback. This will be communicated through the re-assessment assignment in Canvas. Rubric Element 010 Element 010 Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcome1 - Quality of audit Quality of the audit: quality of analysis using a wide range of professional and academic sources and digital tools; presentation of the analysis using appropriate models and frameworks; ability to communicate findings. 30 to >0.0 Pts Full marks 30% 0 Pts No marks 30 pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcome2 - Critical thinking Critical thinking: quality of the appraisal of the organisation’s activities in relation to its objectives and metrics; development of argument and identifying limitations and strengths in their digital strategy.
