Assessment Format: CW - Major Project Mode of Submission: Canvas: Online submission via Canvas It is not recommended to submit via the Canvas App due to some limitations in the App functionality. We would suggest instead that submission is made on a browser from a computer or mobile device. It is not recommended that you submit your assignment or take a quiz on a cellular or satellite connection. This is because loss of internet connection during assessment is most commonly associated with these services, although we understand that sometimes this is the only option. Wherever possible, we would recommend that assessments are submitted or undertaken on WiFi or hardwired (ethernet) connections. Large files are best submitted on a hardwired internet connection (i.e., not WiFi). Weighting: This assessment is worth 100% of the Module mark Assessment Level: 6 Element Learning Outcomes: The element learning outcomes for this assessment are: 1-5 Marking Approach: Fine-graded Feedback Release Date: N/A Assessment Task Detail and Instructions: Element 010: 10,000-word dissertation Task: Your dissertation must be written in English in typescript form on A4 paper. Your name must not appear on the dissertation. It is also advisable to retain a copy for your own records. When you submit your dissertation, you may be asked to submit your working papers which have formed the basis of your dissertation; for example, copies of articles, working notes and summaries, completed questionnaires and tapes or notes of interviews. These may provide the basis for a viva voce should that be necessary. The cover sheet of the dissertation must include the following declaration: 'I declare that the above work is my own and that the material contained herein has not been substantially used in any other submission for an academic award'. A list of contents, such as the glossary, chapters, and appendices - with page references - should be included at the front of the dissertation. Pages should be numbered and double-line spacing used. Diagrams, figures, tables, and illustrations should be incorporated into the text at the appropriate place, unless there is a series of them or they are continually referred to throughout the text. In this case they should be placed in appendices at the end of the work. You are advised to use a drawing package for diagrams and scan in other illustrations. Appendices should not contain material which is not used or referred to in the text. Similarly, illustrative material should not be included unless it is relevant, informative, and referred to in the text. A bibliography should be included at the end of the dissertation and should list, alphabetically, all the sources (including magazines and newspapers) that you have consulted. If sources are used which are not written in English then the English translation is required in the bibliography. Weighting: 100% Other skills and competencies: It can be helpful to base your topic around your career aspirations. Is there a sector or type of business you would like to work in or for? Use the thesis to build your understanding of a key issue for that area. Alternatively, you might want to explore an area of intellectual interest to prepare for further study. The UGMP can help you to prepare for your next step. Assessment Marking Criteria / Scheme: ALL dissertations should include the following: Declaration The declaration (a template is included in Section 6) should be included at the start. Completed supervisor log The supervisor log (a template is included in Section 7) should be included following the declaration. Abstract Set out on a page of its own immediately after the title page. The abstract is likely to be the last section to be written. It is a short (300 words maximum.) summary of the project (not an introduction) and should indicate the nature and scope of the work, outlining the research problem, key issues, findings, how you obtained your results and your conclusion/recommendations. Table of Contents An outline of the whole project in list form, setting out the order of the sections, with page numbers. It is conventional to number the preliminary pages (abstract, table of contents) with lower case Roman numerals (i.e. (i), (ii), (iii) etc.) and the main text pages (starting with the first chapter) in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) as shown below. Contents Page List of Tables i List of Figures ii List of Abbreviations iii Acknowledgements iv Chapter 1 (Title) 1 (First Section heading) (Second etc.) (Third) Lists of tables and figures You should present separate lists tables and figures you have included and their page numbers at the beginning of your dissertation/ project of the. A table is a presentation of data in tabular form; a figure is a diagrammatic representation of data or other material. Tables and figures should be clearly and consistently numbered, either above or below the table or figure. Each table and figure should have a separate heading (caption). The reader should be able to understand what the table or figure is about from this heading / caption without referring to the text for explanations. Nevertheless, they need to be discussed and analysed in the text. The numbers of the tables and the figures you use in the text and in the lists at the beginning should correspond exactly. Main body of document, appropriately structured (this structure may vary depending on the nature of your dissertation.) References Appendices (these should only contain material which is genuinely supportive of the argument in the main body of the dissertation). Other notes on recommended format: Use A4 size paper only. Use a sans-serif font such as Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, etc Type 1.5 or double-spaced. Margins should be approximately: 3 cms on left hand side of page to allow for binding. At least 1 cm on the right-hand side 3 cms top and Pages should be numbered in a single sequence from the contents page onwards. Short quotations can run in the text within single quotation marks (double quotation marks reserved for quotations within quotations). Quotations longer than about 30 words should be set in from the side of the page (normally the indent should be more than the paragraph indent). Always write incomplete sentences. Do not resort to note form. Do not use abbreviations in the text unless they are for an organisation’s documents etc which are commonly initialised or referred to by acronyms e.g. BBC All abbreviations must be explained when they first appear and included in the front of the document following the contents page and the list of tables and figures. 1. Dissertation Declaration Dissertation Declaration Title of Award Date SID Number Name of Supervisor Title of Dissertation Word Count DECLARATION: I declare that the above work is my own and that the material contained herein has not been substantially used in any other submission for an academic award. Signed: Date: 2. Supervisor Log Form LAIBS Supervisor Log (TO BE SUBMITTED BY STUDENT WITH DISSERTATION) Student Number: Degree Programme: Proposed Dissertation Title: Agreed Title (as agreed with supervisor): Supervisor’s Signature: Date: Date and time of Meeting Notes Supervisor’s initials This form is to be submitted for signature by your supervisor on every occasion that you consult him or her regarding your dissertation. UGMP Marking Criteria UGMP Marking Criteria Criteria Ratings Pts Introduction Is the abstract adequate? Is there a clear purpose and rationale for the study? Is there a clear set of objectives / research questions? 10.0 Pts Full marks 0.0 Pts No marks 10.0 pts Use of Literature and Sources Was the range suitable and adequate? Has a critical review of the literature been adopted? 20.0 Pts Full marks 0.0 Pts No marks 20.0 pts Research Design and Methodology Is research design and methodology discussed? Is the approach appropriate? Is it well justified? 20.0 Pts Full marks 0.0 Pts No marks 20.0 pts Results, Analysis & Interpretation of Data Has the data been accurately been presented and analysed or are findings merely a description? Appropriate theory applied? Has the student attempted to interpret their findings?