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Argumentative Essay: Evaluating 'For' and 'Against' Positions on a Debate Topic



• This assignment must be completed individually.

• You must use the Harvard referencing system.

• Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).

• Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.

• Write your student ID number at the top of every page.

• Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.

Choose ONE of the debate topics selected for your course specialism that was NOT used for the Interim Assessed Debates (see tables below).

Using relevant ideas and concepts from the session and supporting information, write a 1500-word argumentative essay that identifies and evaluates both the ‘for’ and ‘against’ positions related to the selected topic.

Customer profiling decreases representation, rather than increasing it

Environment Marketers bear responsibility for creating our wasteful society  Brexit Marketing will be affected by Brexit more than other corporate industries

World Politics Digital marketing tactics pose a threat to democracy Technology Promoting ads based on passive voice recordings should be avoided

Additional NHS services should be privatised to reduce health inequalities

Environment Climate change should officially be declared a ‘health  emergency’

Brexit Brexit will create health risks for UK and EU citizens World Politics Billionaire philanthropy is a beneficial force Technology Robot doctors represent a negative step in terms of patient experience

Workers with the same job title deserve the same pay rate

Environment Cost-factors outweigh environmental factors Brexit Brexit planning should be the number one priority for managers today

World Politics Countries should not be run like companies Technology It is wrong for companies to analyse candidates' social media profiles when making a decision to hire

Positive action is not enough to address employment inequalities in the finance and accounting industries

Environment Going green is more economically beneficial than detrimental for companies

Brexit The impact of Brexit on taxation will be minimal World Politics The EU holds the balance of power in post-Brexit trade talks

Technology Accountancy firms should put blockchain adoption top of their priority list

Venues and other service providers should have the right to refuse entry/service to patrons who do not fit their belief set

Environment The hotel industry is unable to meet the environmental targets set out by the Hotel Global Decarbonisation Report

Brexit Hospitality managers should give EU workers financial incentives to stay after Brexit

World Politics Tourism is the corporate sector that contributes the most to international co-operation Technology Japan's 'Robot Hotel' proves the hospitality industry is resistant to automation

Workers with the same job title deserve the same pay rate

Environment Climate change is an opportunity for recruiters

Brexit Brexit planning should be the number one priority for HR managers today

World Politics Companies should not be run like countries Technology It is wrong for HR staff to analyse candidates' social media profiles when making a decision to hire

This is a skills module. You will be assessed on your ability to develop a clear, logical and appropriately evidenced position both in favour and against a

selected topic.

Allocation of Marks

• Task response: Appraise the topic; support with explanation of relevant  theory and discussion

• Structure: Organise your essay into three clearly-defined sections as outlined in the section below

• Source information: Identify and accurately interpret relevant source information from authoritative sources and use to support each premise

• Comparison of premises: Denote and compare the importance of various premises in relation to one another

• Clarity of expression: Use formal, academic and debate-specific language (e.g. ‘rebuttal’) in addition to suitable paragraph formatting (e.g. the model  introduced via Research Skills 1)


Each main body paragraph should include some form of evidence. The evidence should align with the criteria for selection set out in class. Suitable evidence sources might include:

• Academic journal articles / academic studies

• Articles from reputable news agencies

• Statistics, data or statements from recognised industry / governmental bodies

• Non-commercial company information

Personal examples DO NOT count as evidence, but may be used as examples in addition to formal evidence.

All evidence should be cited within the main body and included within a dedicated ‘References’ section at the end of the essay
