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Leadership Assessment: What Defines a Successful Leader?

In assessment one You are required to answer four questions:

1. What is involved in being a successful leader?

2. Can good leadership be developed, and if so,how?

3. What distinguishes leadership from management?
4. What have you personally learnt about leadership from your own experiences, on this course and elsewhere?


1. What is involved in being a successfulleader?

You are not expected to cover everything. As a general rule, you should aim for covering from 3 to 5 theories in sufficient depth so that we can understand what they contribute to leadership studies. The material covered will not be fully comprehensive, you will have to select what you feel is most appropriate and useful to allow depth of understanding alongside breadth of coverage.

For example, you can use some of the following theories:


Traits (Big Five Personality; Stogdill’s Traits; Great Man Theory) Skills (Katz’s Three Skills Model; Skills-Based Model)

Styles (Lewin’s leadership styles; Managerial Grid)

Contextual Situational Approach Path Goal Theory Relational

Servant leadership Transformational leadership Leader Member Exchange Theory


Three Skills Approach, Katz (1955)

According to Katz, although a successful leader must have good conceptual skills, which are the ability to visualize the organization as a whole (Kalargyrou and Woods, 2009), human skills are also important (Virkus, 2009). An efficient leader needs high levels of interpersonal, cognitive, business and strategic skills (Mumford, Campion and Morgeson, 2007). The connection between the leader’s knowledge, skills and his performance are also essential in resolving organizational leadership problems, in inspiring and directing subordinates to key implementation (Mumford et al, 2000).

2. Can good leadership be developed, and if so,how?

Can you develop leadership? How can you develop leadership?

Here again as mentioned earlier you can use 3-4 theories to cover your arguments and provide good examples

3. What distinguishes leadership frommanagement?

  • Definemanagement
  • Defineleadership
  • Identify the keydifferences
  • Use examples to support yourviews

4. What have you personally learnt about leadership from your own experiences, on this course and elsewhere?

  • Itis mainly about your own experiences in the workplace/ School,  So do not write in a very general way.
  • Youcan use examples where you have been led or if you had a manager, g. what was your/their approach? Do you think it was right or wrong? Why? use some of the theories you learn in the module to evaluate the situation. What was the effect on the employees and work environment? What have you (personally) learned from the experience
  • Whathave you leaned in this module and how it has changed your opinion or perspective on the leadership concepts?


  • Don’t write an introduction or abstract
  • First write the question and then answer. You must separate each question
  • You can use some models in your report
  • Pleasenote most of theories should be the theories that we have covered in this module
  • Use different books, articles, and provide relevant and shortexamples
  • Trynot to be descriptive, discuss the strength and weakness of the  Show some example from your reading about leaders.
  • Good referencing and use the Harvardsystem
  • 3000 Words (max 3300 words) DO NOT exceed word limited as there willbe penalty.

Full Assessment Criteria Table (on these next two pages)

Assessment Criteria

Fail 0 - 39%

Poor Quality

D 40 - 49%

Pass Quality

C 50 – 59%

Fair Quality

B 60 – 69%

Good Quality

A 70 -100%

Excellent Quality




Ability to explain key leadership and management concepts

Key concepts are misunderstood. Explanations are confusing.

The work does not meet the assignment brief.

Mostly adequate explanations and coverage of the key questions. Some minor misunderstandings or confusing explanations.

Demonstrates a sound grasp of all themes implied by the key questions. Fair understanding of the literature read.

Clearly explains the concepts implied by the key questions. Very good understanding of the literature read.

Authoritative grasp of all the concepts implied by the key questions.

Excellent understanding of the literature read; ability to digest complex ideas and arguments.




Ability to critically evaluate key leadership and management concepts

No critical evaluation

– for example, all authors’ ideas and opinions are taken at face value and are simply described.

There may be some attempt at analysis, but it displays major misunderstandings of key concepts.

Some attempts at critical evaluation although the arguments may be unclear.

Some of the critical evaluation in the work is derived from other sources

– it is not the student’s own thinking.

The work appears as a collection of separate pieces –

obvious connections

Evidence of critical judgement in selecting, ordering and analysing content and tries to construct a sound argument. The work attempts to

integrate all the

key questions as part of a whole

Clear evidence of critical judgement in selecting, ordering and analysing content to construct a sound argument which reveals occasional insight and/or originality.

There is a flow

to the work and discussion of all

There is clear evidence of originality and insight and an ability to sustain an argument based on critical analysis and/or evaluation.

The ability to synthesise material effectively and the potential for skilled innovation

in thinking and


Assessment Criteria

Fail 0 - 39%

Poor Quality

D 40 - 49%

Pass Quality

C 50 – 59%

Fair Quality

B 60 – 69%

Good Quality

A 70 -100%

Excellent Quality



are missed.


the key

questions fits together.

practice will be evident.




Amount of research and range of sources used

No or little evidence of reading.

Inappropriate sources used.

Evidence of reading from the articles provided.

Some additional reading, but there may be some limitations in ability to select appropriate material. Little evidence of using real life examples to illustrate concepts.

Clear evidence of reading from the articles provided, and it is appropriately used.

Additional reading is also appropriately used.

Some evidence of using real life examples to illustrate concepts.

Clear evidence of thorough reading from articles provided, appropriately used. Very good breadth and depth of reading from outside those sources provided. Uses real life examples to illustrate


As for B, but total range of research is more extensive

- from Leadership Forums, trade press, work, TV and newspapers.


Major errors in

A number of errors

Referencing is

Referencing is

Referencing is



in referencing.

mostly accurate,

accurate and

accurate and is





supports text

skilfully and














The work is poorly

The structure is

The structure is

The structure is

The structure is


organised. The

fairly clear.

fairly clear.

clear. Care and

very clear. The


structure is

There are some

The work is

thought has

work is


confusing. The visual

problems with the

fairly well

gone into visual



appearance is poor.

visual appearance.


presentation of

presented - real





the work.

care and thought






has gone into it.



Spelling, punctuation, grammar and paragraphing

Major improvement needed in more than one of the following: spelling, grammar, punctuation & paragraphing. High number of errors.

Major improvement needed to be made to one of these 4 areas: spelling, grammar, punctuation or paragraphing.

There are a small number of minor errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and paragraphing.

There are hardly any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and paragraphing.

There are no noticeable errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and paragraphing.




Ability to reflect on effectiveness of personal leadership/management

There is no or only a very limited amount of reflective writing.

The student shows very limited attempts to analyse some experiences and to consider

some of: ‘What

The student has made fair attempts to analyse their experiences and

has considered

The student has analysed their experiences and has thoughtfully considered:


As for B, AND the quality of reflection is particularly thoughtful and

informed by


Assessment Criteria

Fail 0 - 39%

Poor Quality

D 40 - 49%

Pass Quality

C 50 – 59%

Fair Quality

B 60 – 69%

Good Quality

A 70 -100%

Excellent Quality



happened?’ ‘Why

much of the



did it happen?’

following: ‘What

‘Why did it

knowledge. The

‘What did it do to


happen?’ ‘What

writing is

me?’ Reflective

‘Why did it

did it do to me?’


writing may lack

happen?’ ‘What

‘What does it


depth and any

did it do to me?’

mean for me?’



‘What does it

The student has



mean for me?’

shown good



The student

evidence of



shows evidence




of applying





knowledge to



knowledge to







