There is one learning outcome for this assignment, which will be assessed through two specific tasks; a sales meeting followed by submission of a business proposal
Credentials presentation with audio (5 mins.) and a completed sales meeting pro-forma (approx. 2 sides of A4, no word limit) (50%)
Task two
Business Proposal (50%) 2,000 words
To pass this module, you must achieve a final overall mark of at least 40%.
1.2. Deadlines & submission
By 4th September 2021, 11.59pm
Assignments should be submitted online via the Kaplan LMS. Please follow the University policy regarding online submission and submitting assignments on time (see Page 2).
1.3. Word count 2,000 for the proposal. Credentials presentation will be 5 minutes long and with audio recording. Pro-format will be a maximum of two sides of A4 (no word count)
1.4. Assignment format
A credentials presentation with audio and sales meeting pro-forma (50%) and a 2,000-word proposal (50%)
1.5. Tutor support
Support is available at any time throughout this module; simply contact your tutor if you need help. To make the most of these sessions, it is expected that you will have already begun work on your assessment and have a list of questions for your tutor prepared in advance.
1. Introduction
You are to produce an assessment based upon a live client and an identified prospect. This will consist of two tasks with some preparatory work undertaken beforehand, for which you will receive formative feedback.
2. Learning Outcome
Utilise and apply professional and academic skills to effectively create and justify a compelling and comprehensive business development proposal and pitch for a product, service or project proposition.
3. Pre-assessment preparation
You will be assuming a role as a sales person for a live client for your assessment and, in preparation, you will undertake some background research in order to identify potential prospects for your company to target for business. You will qualify these prospects and select one for targeting, representing the ‘prospect/qualification’ and ‘pre-approach’ stages of the Selling Process (marks will be provided for evidence of preparation in your sales meeting and in your proposal).
As part of the sales meeting, you will also be delivering a brief (around 5 minutes) credentials presentation (though pre-recorded audio PPT) to introduce yourself and your company.
4. Assessment Tasks
Assessment task one (50%)
As a result of your good preparation you have managed to secure an initial meeting with your prospect. For the first part of this assessment you will prepare for this first meeting with the objective of gaining agreement to submit a proposal for selling your products/services to the company.
As a result of your meeting and an assessment of the client needs prepare a basic proposal to your target company detailing why they should do business with you and presenting a product or service that would be suitable for then, based upon their identified needs. The proposal should follow the format below.
1. Background
On the client organisation and on your organisation.
2. Identified Needs
Summary of the problem you wish to solve.
3. Solution
A summary of your solution to the problem, introducing the product of service your wish to sell and its features and benefits
4. Costs and timings
Summary of timeline and costs involved.
5. Account Management
How the account will be managed, if you are successful.
Bear in mind the following when preparing your proposal:
You should provide evidence of preparation by having undertaken background research on the client.
In addition, you should show clear preparation for the sales meeting including personal presentation and knowledge of the client’s business.
Task One
You will then deliver a credentials presentation tailored to what is known about the client you are targeting with your product/service, recording it as an audio PPT for submission
Consider your questioning skills including knowledge and application of the SPIN model and addressing objections to reach agreement, recording your response on the sales pro forma template for submission
Task Two
For this second element, you will need to develop an outline proposal to address the identified needs of the client, ascertained from the one to one meeting. The proposal should offer a solution to the identified problem. The document should also include details of how the account will be managed.