1. Demonstrate the knowledge and understandingthe nature and applications of academic conventions in higher education required to source the journal articles on any chosen subject and understand the academic protocol for citing them.
2. Recognize and differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research procedures and their methodological implications; the sociological approaches and philosophical underpinnings of positivism and interpretivism and have an understanding of the fundamental features of Modernism, Critical Theory and Post-modernism.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
The first part of the portfolio is in two parts. Part one is a reflective piece on what you have learnt about types of academic writing and why academic writing styles are important for university purposes. This will be 350 words and can be descriptive and written in first person. The aim is to show your understanding of the different types of academic writing and why you think they are important for your study.
Question- ‘What are the key academic writing styles and why are they important’? The second part is an introduction to your topic of interest, which you will be investigating over the course of the semester. This is background information on your topic of interest and show reasons why this is an important area for investigation.
The second part of the portfolio will be 1500 words evidencing your understanding of how research is used for social enquiry. This requires you to use the topic chosen in part one and for you to identify 3 journal articles that are positivistic (quantitative) in style and 3 journal articles that are interpretative (qualitative) in style. These must be journal articles from primary studies.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Apply theoretical and empirical frameworks drawn from sociology to discuss the social issues identified and being able to link it to the wider impact on society.
Demonstrate the ability to research and analyze a specific topic that is theoretically and empirically informed. Communicate this effectively in a written format that synthesizes a range of information,making a coherent argument.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Read the marking and feedback guideline below. This will help you to see how a good grade will be awarded and what you need to do to achieve this.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
Your lectures and seminars have focused on social theory and research methods as well as practical academic skills. This assessment is designed for you to now use the knowledge you have gained to show that you understand the rigor and expectations of academic writing. That you can identify and select either positivistic or interpretative journal articles that are researching your chosen topic and for you to write those articles into your own words. This learning how to search for articles and how to paraphrase and reference them.
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.