1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding of explanations for the distribution of health and differential access to health care in the UK and account for the health and care outcomes of differing social groups.
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: One-to-one working skills required to work with individual clients within a role play scenario and reflect on and assess your role play performance and one-to-one working skills, identifying ways to improve future practice.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
For referral assessment two, if you attempted the role play and assignment and were referred/failed, then you should use tutor feedback to bring your work up to a pass standard. The referral task is the same as the original written part of assignment 1. You DO NOT need to do or resubmit the role play recording again. You must follow the guidelines from the original assessment with regard to the 1000 word reflection on your role play. If you failed due to poor academic practice, then you need to start again with your reflection.
However, if you did not attempt the original role-play, you will need to write a 1000 word essay on the key features of one-to-one working and interpersonal communication. You need to reflect on the ethical issues involved and the problems that may arise in working one-to-one with a client in a health and/or social care setting and how these could be addressed.
Your 1000-word essay must consist of:
1)An introduction - setting out what you are writing about.
2)Information and analysis of the one-to-one working and communication skills when interacting with a client/service user. Here you need to draw on academic sources/references linking your writing to theory.
3)Information and analysis of what the ethics and values are when interacting with a client/service user. Mention the difference between personal values and professional ethics and how the professional worker deals with this. Again, you should support your discussion here with academic sources/references.
4)Conclusion – this should be a summary, demonstrating where your assignment met the aims and objectives in your introduction.
In this essay you are required to use FIVE academic references (that is academic books or academic journals). These should come from texts in the unit’s reading list or recommended reading from the reference lists provided at the end of the lecture slides. The five do not include lecture notes.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
•Demonstrate the one-to-one working skills of effective communication (active listening, feedback and empathy, good techniques of questioning, etc.) required to work with individual clients within a role play scenario.
·Reflect on and assess your role play performance and one-to-one working skills and identify ways to improve future practice.
·Identify the values, skills and ethics underpinning work with vulnerable groups and the importance of boundaries within practice and conflict that can arise between personal values and professional ethics.
Read this assignment brief carefully including the marking criteria on the next page. Note though that referral attempts are capped at 40%.
You need to read widely drawing on a range of appropriate academic books and/or peer-reviewed journal articles. You will avoid relying on non-academic web sources.
You will demonstrate clear understanding of the ethical issues involved in one-to-one working and how these should be addressed.
You will apply the Harvard referencing rules accurately throughout the text of your essay and in your reference list. Your reference list will be in alphabetical order with all sources cited in the text appearing in your reference list and all sources in your reference list will appear in the text. An exception is when you cite a secondary source that you read about in a source you read/a primary source. In that case only the primary source (the source you read) should appear in the list of references. It is important to ensure you use secondary referencing, i.e. you use the ‘cited in’ expression in the text, where it is needed so you avoid poor academic practice/plagiarism.
You will write in your own words and always cite in the text where you got the information from. Your referencing will be systematic – every paragraph you write in the main body of your essay will be full of references correctly formatted.
You will make sure you thoroughly proofread your work before submitting and seek support on referencing if necessary.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The aims of the assignment are to develop your reflective skills and for you to demonstrate your own learning and show an awareness of your own values and attitudes in relation to work and working with others in the health and social care sector. It links to the teaching in part two of the lecture programme on one-to-one working skills. This will enable you to apply your reflective and communication skills by linking your learning in lectures to your wider reading.