1.Demonstrate understanding of the different management theories and the basics of Macro and micro-economics, including the decision making process and strategic management approaches that drive organisations’ performance
2.Work with others, develop your personal and professional skills and demonstrate your ability of self-management and learning and be able to use these skills for analysing particular environments, and/or unique situations in which businesses are active.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
The assignment task has two critical components:
What is expected:
Write a formal report, with headings, using your reading, research, learning and journal content as a starting point. We suggest writing the report in two parts:
Topic industry data
Key businesses, customers, suppliers, competitors, performance, strengths and weaknesses and challenges faced
A SWOT / PESTEL analysis of Pearson
Analyse the competitive position of the organisation through Porter’s Five Forces Model
Identifying key issues faced, resourcing and any management / operational issues facing the wner/managers of the business
Evidence of research and reading beyond topic areas discussed in class
Please note this is a referral piece of work and therefore you cannot use material used before in your first assessment.
Business Report Style
Part 2: Reflective Report on Key Skills Development
Your personal reflection is based on your learning experience documented by your journal entries in BREO which will form part of this assessment. Therefore, journal entries added on a regular basis in weeks 1-5 are required to evidence how you have developed and used key skills in the initial learning in the unit and in the analysis of the business case for this assignment.
This can be achieved by completing journal entries on your self-assessment analysis, VARK, Belbin and all personal development activities that link to key employability skills.
In the reflective report you may explore key skill development in all or any of the following areas:
The reflective report should include continued evaluation of your experience working in class and your practice week by relating where possible to models and theories like Belbin, Tuckman and Kolb. You can also include reflection on learning from feedback offered in seminars and from SEM 1 units as your development is continuous
The reflective report should conclude with an action plan using the SMART framework. So, where you identify an improvement is needed, document how you intend to do that.
“Since Semester one unit learning I have continued to develop and work on these academic skills, how to read an article and paraphrase key elements of it, reference it correctly so that it could be included in a formal submission” (JNL Week 4 (date)
Do not include any elements that have been submitted or marked in previous submissions without correct referencing. To use chunks of work previously submitted is considered to be self-plagiarism.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
Your assignment tests your application of learning in the Unit. In delivering the assessment you will undertake activities which are designed to develop your skills, which will provide relevant evidence for your assignment submission. You apply your knowledge and learning in writing a formal business report. The learning in your lectures and seminar activity all inform your preparation for writing the assignment.
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.