Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Understand concepts, theories and frameworks related to the management of ebusiness and be aware of a range of analytical techniques related to digital data in diverse business contexts.
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Apply relevant theories and frameworks related to:
a) employing specific information systems and e-business concepts to sustain an organisation’s competitive advantage,
b) analysing a website/e-commerce presence from various academic perspectives and providing recommendations for improvement.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
You are required to develop a digital business consultancy report for an organisation. The consultancy report should focus on analysing and providing insights into the organisation’s Website and Customer Relationship management (CRM) strategies online.
Firstly, you are to select a company which is present online, or a list of companies will be given you by the tutor, from which you can select a company.
Secondly, using the assessment 2 template document provided on BREO, complete various sections of the report. specifically. Focusing on assessing the selected company’s online presence on various online channels, such as website, social media platforms etc. further analysing various insights into company’s CRM strategies.
Third, providing recommendations for the company in a form of actions to be taken by the company
Note: Discussion should solely be based on the data gathered about the selected company but the analyses must be accompanied by academic literature, theories, frameworks and concepts relevant to the discussion. Specific Instructions
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? Your assignment tests your application of learning in the Unit. In delivering the assessment you will undertake activities which are designed to develop your skills, which will provide relevant evidence for your assignment submission. You apply your knowledge and learning in writing a formal business report. The learning in your lectures and seminar activity all inform your preparation for writing the assignment.