1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
This resit assessment takes the form of an independent research project. In order to complete the resit assessment, you are asked to select a topic from those which we have discussed in class and to devise a research title which you will explore and discuss through your assessment. Examples of topics you may like to explore are:
This list is not exhaustive and you may select a title for your resit assessment from any of those which we have explored in class. Your title should enable you to engage in a critical analysis and evaluation of a particular issue in Aviation Law and not simply be a description of the relevant legal provisions. Therefore, it is essential that your title focuses on an area of law where the law is incomplete, contains anomalies or is as yet lacking in clarity and requires reform. Perhaps a particular area is covered by international law and while the law itself is clear, implementation of the law is subject to political will.
In order to support you with your preparation of the resit assessment all proposed topics for study with proposed title should be submitted to the Unit Co-ordinator for approval and comment. This will require you to have carried out a reasonable amount of research prior to this, to ensure that your title is well thought out and will meet the required standards of a level 6 assessment.
You are reminded that this assignment represents a significant risk in terms of plagiarism and the commission of an academic offence. You must make use of the OSCOLA referencing system when drafting your assignment answer. You must take great care to avoid the commission of an academic offence by the unreferenced copying, reproducing or paraphrasing of the work of another. All written assignments are submitted electronically and checked for originality through Turnitin. In addition, should any doubt arise as to whether the written work submitted for assessment is your own work, you will be called by the Unit Co-ordinator for the purpose of a viva voce examination on the assessment. Please consult the course handbook on BREO, in connection with plagiarism and academic offences. If in doubt you should seek guidance from your lecturer in class.
In order to pass the Assessment you will need to:
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
In your scheduled lectures, seminars and interactive workshops, you will learn how to adopt a critical approach to current Aviation law issues. Through discussions in seminar and active participation in interactive workshops with your peers and your tutor, you will develop and enhance your ability to present legal arguments coherently, logically and in a professional manner, as befits a trainee lawyer. This assessment tests your ability to research the relevant international and national laws, regulations and principles inherent in Aviation Law effectively and to provide an in-depth critical analysis of the subject under investigation.