LO1: Evaluate external and internal environmental factors which impact on strategy
LO2: Critically review an organisation's strategic plan.
Provide a critical examination of the models and tools organisations can use to analyse their internal and external environment. Review a strategic plan for a real organisation of your choice.
Secondary Research Source Requirements at Level HE6 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and five academic books.
See section 11 of the module guide for Guidelines on the Preparation and Submission of Assignments.
You are required to submit a soft copy via “Turn-it-in UK” on the module Moodle page. The software will allow you to check your work against other material on the internet. It will also compare your work against other students work.
You will be able to upload drafts of your written work into turn-it-in as many times as you wish before the deadline.
You will not be able to overwrite the final submission after the deadline. You can only submit a single file.
Excellent (70%+): The report will be to a high standard and will reflect the effective application of extensive reading. They will address the specific issues outlined in the assignment brief about Strategic Management theory and process. The report will contain minimal errors in spelling and grammar and will be accessible to readers from a range of cultural and social backgrounds.
Very Good (60 – 69%): The report will cover the salient points. The presentation will be very clear and informative. The report is very well written and presented in a structured and readable style.
Good (50 – 59%): The report will cover the salient points. The presentation will be clear and informative. The report is well written and presented in a structured and readable style.
Satisfactory (40-49%): A reasonable attempt will be made to prepare and deliver the report but will be under-developed and will not reflect effective teamwork.
Unsatisfactory (1-39%): Students who do not meet the requirements of a pass grade (40% or above) will not successfully complete the assessment activity.