Understanding Mastery Levels for Masters Degrees
Distinction Level Category
This band of marks represents the level of attainment commensurate with the award of a Masters degree with Distinction. In the work presented for assessment, students awarded marks within this band will in addition have demonstrated a full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning outcomes and address the assessment criteria at an outstanding and exceptional level.
- Work is of a standard deemed to be worthy of publication.
- In written coursework, reference citations extend significantly beyond the main body of reading normally expected in the discipline/field of study. In examinations, a substantial range of reference citations are included.
- Work may challenge the boundaries of knowledge within the discipline/field of study and is informed by innovative and/or creative thinking.
- New insights are offered that are informed by critical evaluation of current research/ scholarship/ professional practice.
- Students demonstrate the ability to design and undertake their own research or advanced scholarship, applying relevant techniques and methods appropriately.
- The exceptional standard of the work extends beyond that expected at Level 7 and has features consistent with Level 8.
This band of marks represents the level of attainment commensurate with the award of a Masters degree with Distinction. In the work presented for assessment, students awarded marks within this band will in addition have demonstrated a full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning outcomes and address the assessment criteria at an excellent level.
This band of marks represents the level of attainment commensurate with the award of a Masters degree with Distinction. In the work presented for assessment, students awarded marks within this band will have demonstrated a full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning outcomes and address the assessment criteria at a very good level. Within the assessment submission the student:
- demonstrates mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge. There is strong evidence of an ability to extend, transform and apply such knowledge. The student also demonstrates an ability to engage in sophisticated discussion of complex concepts and to recognise the limitations and/or ambiguity of disciplinary knowledge. Independent thinking and original insights are also features of work at this level.
- demonstrates an ability to communicate information, complex ideas, results of research and concepts in a coherent and succinct manner. The standard of presentation is high and the format appropriate. Key points are logically organised and in written work, the style is lucid and mature. Arguments are well-defined and clearly articulated.
- demonstrates an ability to conduct research or advanced technical or professional activity, undertake detailed analysis and critical enquiry relevant to the task/discipline, and expertise in highly specialised and advanced technical, professional and/or research skills, by making excellent use of a number of appropriate techniques. The student is highly successful in presenting, synthesising and commenting on
- research process and outcomes and is able to comment perceptively and with insight on the relationship between theory and practice.
- demonstrates a detailed and thorough knowledge of current research/advanced scholarship in the discipline. The use of scholarly reviews/primary sources is sophisticated and a breadth and depth of individual reading and investigation, extending beyond the sources provided, is apparent. The referencing of literature and other sources is accurate and in line with academic conventions. A thorough knowledge and understanding of research processes, techniques and methods, is demonstrated along with an ability to design and apply appropriate research methodologies, apply research knowledge and skills successfully in appropriate contexts.
- demonstrates an ability to engage in critical evaluation of concepts/arguments/data and to make appropriate and informed judgements. Arguments are well developed, sustained and substantiated. Where relevant, assumptions are challenged and there is clear recognition of the complexities of academic debate. Appropriate and sometimes innovative solutions are offered to problems. There is strong evidence that the student is able to reflect effectively on her/his own practice. Critical evaluation of the student’s own work and/or professional practice is highly perceptive and there is a full awareness of the implications for future development.
This band of marks represents the level of attainment commensurate with the award of a Masters degree with Merit. In the work presented for assessment, students awarded marks within this band will have demonstrated a full understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning outcomes and address the assessment criteria at a good level. Within the assessment submission the student:
- demonstrates mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge. There is clear evidence of an ability to apply such knowledge and, in some contexts, to extend and transform it. The discussion of complex concepts is often tackled successfully and there is evidence of independent thinking.
- demonstrates an ability to communicate information, results of research, ideas and concepts clearly and succinctly. Work is well presented and the format appropriate. Key points are appropriately organised, fluently conveyed and are well articulated.
- demonstrates an ability to conduct research or advanced technical or professional activity, undertake detailed analysis and critical enquiry relevant to the task/discipline, and expertise in highly specialised and advanced technical, professional and/or research skills, by making use of appropriate techniques and has considerable success in presenting and commenting on research process and outcomes. There is some linkage between theory and practice.
- demonstrates a thorough knowledge of current research/scholarship in the discipline. Examples referred to indicate a breadth and depth of individual reading and investigation that extend beyond the sources provided. The referencing of literature and other sources is almost always accurate. A secure knowledge of research processes is evident along with an ability to design and apply appropriate research methodologies, apply research skills and knowledge in the appropriate context.
- demonstrates an ability to engage in critical evaluation and reflection. Arguments are clearly considered and substantiated and there is evidence of an ability to make appropriate judgements and to suggest solutions to problems. The student also demonstrates an ability to engage in reflective practice and to take account of personal evaluations when planning for future development.
This band of marks represents the level of attainment commensurate with the award of a Masters degree at Pass level. In the work presented for assessment, students awarded marks within this band will have demonstrated a basic but secure understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the associated learning outcomes and address the threshold assessment criteria. Within the assessment submission the student:
- demonstrates mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge, but is frequently descriptive and based on given sources. There is limited evidence of independent thinking.
- demonstrates the ability to communicate information, results of research, ideas, concepts and arguments. However, more success is achieved in describing and reporting factual information rather than communicating complex ideas. Generally, the work is appropriately structured.
- demonstrates an ability to conduct research or advanced technical or professional activity and undertake some limited analysis and enquiry relevant to the task/discipline, and expertise in highly specialised and advanced technical, professional and/or research skills, and is usually successful in presenting and commenting on research process and outcomes.
- demonstrates knowledge of current research/scholarship in the discipline and an ability to provide some comment and/or discussion of its implications. Examples of research/scholarship referred to in the work may indicate an over-reliance on given sources rather than individual reading and investigation.
- demonstrates a limited ability to critically evaluate and reflect. Although some critical reflection is evident, the balance within the work is likely to be in favour of description and factual presentation. Arguments are generally substantiated but may be under-developed. There is some evidence of the student’s ability to evaluate and reflect on her/his own practice although reflections may be limited and superficial with little consideration of their relevance for future development.
This band of marks reflects a level of attainment that falls below the standard required to pass a Masters degree. The work presented for assessment is unsatisfactory overall. At the top end of the band, the standard of work might best be described as a ‘narrow fail’. Students awarded marks within this band will have demonstrated partial understanding of the set task and an ability to have met some of the associated learning outcomes at a basic level. However, attainment is uneven with some learning outcomes not met and some assessment criteria unaddressed. Within the assessment submission the student:
- demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the field of study relevant to the task. Factual inaccuracies, errors and misconceptions are evident in important areas and elements of the assessed work may be irrelevant to the task.
- demonstrates an ability to communicate some simple concepts and/or factual information. However, faults in the presentation of work and in its structure and organisation mar the clarity of expression. If attempted, the presentation of arguments and more complex ideas may be confused and clumsily expressed.
- is likely to have attempted some enquiry and analysis relevant to the task/discipline but research process and outcomes may be naïve, simplistic and/or unconvincing.
- demonstrates limited or sporadic knowledge of current research/scholarship in the discipline. A restricted range of sources are used but overall, there is an over-reliance on programme materials with little evidence of individual reading and investigation. There are frequent errors in the referencing of literature and other sources. Although limited knowledge of research processes may be evident, nevertheless, the application of such knowledge is largely unsuccessful.
- demonstrates little evidence of critical evaluation and reflection. The work is largely descriptive and arguments, if attempted, are rarely substantiated. Self-evaluation and reflections on her/his own practice are extremely limited.
This band of marks reflects a level of attainment that falls well below the standard required to pass a Masters degree. The work presented for assessment is poor overall and the standard of work across the band might best be described as a ‘clear fail’. Students awarded marks within this band will have demonstrated minimal understanding of the set task and will partially have met one or two learning outcomes. Many assessment criteria are unaddressed. Within the assessment submission the student:
- demonstrates little knowledge and understanding of the field of study relevant to the task. Factual inaccuracies, errors and misconceptions are evident in many important areas and these outweigh the degree of knowledge and understanding demonstrated. Substantial elements of the assessed work may be irrelevant to the task.
- demonstrates a limited ability to communicate simple concepts and/or factual information. Frequent faults in the presentation of work and significant difficulties in its structure and organisation detract from the clarity and meaning overall. The writing style is often clumsy and inappropriate.
- demonstrates little evidence of being able to undertake enquiry and analysis relevant to the task/discipline. Where such work has been attempted, research process and outcomes may be inappropriate, or absent.
- demonstrates little knowledge of current research/scholarship in the discipline. Evidence of individual reading and investigation is negligible and the limited referencing of literature and other sources is frequently inaccurate. Very limited knowledge of research processes is apparent and there is a failure to apply this knowledge.
- Demonstrates some ability to describe and report but very little evidence is available to indicate an ability to engage in critical evaluation and reflection. Self-evaluation and reflections on her/his own practice are negligible or absent.
This band of marks represents a level of attainment that falls well below the standard required to pass a Masters degree. The work presented for assessment may be very poor, incomplete and/or irrelevant and will demonstrates a serious lack of comprehension and/or engagement with the set task. Students awarded marks within this band may have misunderstood or misinterpreted the set task. No learning outcomes are met in full although there maybe minimal attainment in relation to one or two. Characteristics of work that falls into these bands are:
- short
- irrelevant
- serious and numerous errors and misunderstandings
- no evidence of analysis, synthesis, critical evaluation and reflection
- no reference/minimal reference to external sources
- very poor standard of presentation and inappropriate format
- very poor communication of information and ideas
Zero will be awarded in cases where:
- i) no answer has been attempted;
- ii) an allegation of unfair practice has been substantiated by a Committee of Enquiry or Examination Board (including Fixed Penalty) and the original mark awarded has been cancelled.
The award of zero in either case is considered to be a fail.
For marks above 60 at least 20 relevant academic references are expected to be properly cited. Assignment without references would receive a fail mark.