B: Learning Outcomes
1.To understand the nature of management knowledge and research through an appreciation of various research philosophical orientations
2.To identify and critically evaluate a range of research strategies and research designs
3.To understand and evaluate quantitative management research designs and methods
4.To understand and evaluate effective qualitative research designs and methods in management
5.To act ethically in the conduct of management research and critically evaluate the ethical foundations of established researc
C: Assessment Task
You are to identify a research topic and a related research title and research question and prepare a research proposal document which designs and prepares a research project that will respond to the title and question and other required sections of a research proposal.
Your research topic must be selected from your MSc pathway.
D: Specific Criteria/Guidance
Research Proposal
The proposal requires you to identify your research question and aims. You are also required to demonstrate initial engagement with the relevant existing literature and introduce your proposed methodology and plan of work.
Your research aims/question should be well focused and well-scoped
The literature review is not a list of article summaries but should be structured under themes and headings. It serves a number of purposes, including:
•To chart what is already known about the topic: signalling that you have positioned your work in a broad body of literature and are aware of the main works and ideas of relevance to your research
•To define the research problem that underpins your research question
•To illustrate some of the different theoretical and methodological approaches to your topic
•To help you develop a framework for your analysis
•To help you interpret your findings
The methodology should be outlined and justified.
The plan of work should be presented as a Gantt Chart or Spreadsheet with accompanying notes if necessary.
* Ethical Approval
Ethics form needs to be completed when in the module BU7001.
Obtaining ethical approval requires you to demonstrate that you have considered and assessed the ethical risks associated with your project and have a plan in place to negate these or reduce them to an acceptable level.
You should use the template that is available on the module website. You should also consult the notes of guidance for completing the form.
NB. This form comprises an element of the marks awarded for this assignment.
Guidance on how to go about preparing your proposal is included on the module website. You are also encouraged to discuss both your completed proposal and your ethics form with your supervisor prior to submission.
The assessment criteria for this assignment is provided on the marking scheme / rubric below.
Please be noted that the weightings does not equate to the word count.
·Students should submit work before 12 noon on the deadline date via the appropriate ‘Turnitin submission’ link on the Moodle module page. Please check your email confirmation to ensure you have submitted to the correct place.
·You must submit assessments in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF format.
·The file must be no larger than 40MB.
·Your writing is expected to conform to Standard English in terms of spelling, syntax and grammar.
·You must include your Assessment Number (J Number) in the header or footer.
·Include your word count at the end of the assignment or the front cover.
·Set up your page for A4 paper in portrait style.
·The font size must be a minimum of point 12 Calibri (or equivalent) for the body of the assessment.
·Line spacing in the body of the assessment must be 1.5 lines.
·Number the pages consecutively.
·You must submit your work with the following details written on the first page:
oTitle of your work
oModule title and code
oModule Leader and Seminar Tutor (if relevant)
oNumber of words
oYour student assessment number (J Number)
Student work that does not have this information on will not be identifiable after marking has taken place and risks being recorded as a non-submission.