The evidence for this unit will be submitted in two tasks – Report and Reflective Account. Both tasks should be submitted as one document.
Report: LO1 & LO2:
Task 1 will be a report to be used in a training session that assesses the challenges in addressing key factors that contribute to harm and abuse. Your report will include case studies that analyse the impact of legislation, policy, and professional involvement in promoting safeguarding within your own organisation.
Reflective Account: LO3 & LO4
Task 2 will consist of a reflective account of how safeguarding can be effectively promoted through positive partnership working and investigating working practice and strategies used to minimise abuse and harm.
Each individual submission should be a word-processed document that includes headings, titles, and captions, as appropriate. You can also include images, drawings, and other visual material to support your work. A reference list or bibliography, formatted in the Harvard citation style, should be used. The recommended word limit for each task is 2,000 to 2,500 words; however, you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word count.
LO1: Explain the factors that contribute to abuse and harm.
LO2: Review current legislation, policy and professional involvement relating to safeguarding for children, young people, and vulnerable adults.
Social and community practitioners encounter a variety of different service users as part of work experience, some of whom may require protection from abuse, exploitation, harm, or neglect. Key areas of work for practitioners are in being able to identify the signs, situations and factors that can lead to abuse and the challenges practitioners face in addressing these circumstances. You are required to provide training for new members of staff to your care setting and would like for them to be able to take away some information to help them understand their role and the role of the workforce and services in addressing key factors that contribute to abuse and harm, and in safeguarding a range of service users. Your organisation is part of a group of social care providers, offering day-to-day and specialist support to people with long-term physical and mental health needs across the age spectrum, from children to older adults. The staff members you will be providing training to are likely to work with service users of different ages across the different organisations in the group.
You will produce a report that includes a set of materials for a training event designed to help new staff understand and assess the challenges in addressing key factors that contribute to harm and abuse and their role as part of a team involved in safeguarding service users of all ages. Your report should critically assess the challenges for the social and community care work force and services in addressing key factors that contribute to abuse and harm, and in safeguarding different individuals in different groups vulnerable to abuse, review different real life case study examples from different life span in which abuse and harm occurred, making suggestions for how the impact on contributing factors could be mitigated to prevent future occurrences, reflect on ways in which professionals working in specific social or community services address the national standards and legislative requirements relating to safeguarding, analyse the factors that make some individuals more vulnerable to abuse than others and the type of abuse or harm they may experience, discussing the individual, social, cultural factors that contribute to abuse and harm, produce a detailed map of the relationship between key legislation and national policy relevant to safeguarding and policies and strategies implemented at local level and comparing different approaches taken in the local community and social care services to implement key legislation.
LO3: Explain how safeguarding can be effectively promoted through positive partnership working.
LO4: Investigate working practice and strategies to minimise abuse and harm.
Over the years, media has highlighted numerous cases of abuse and neglect of service users and emphasize
on how safeguarding can be effectively promoted through positive partnership working. As part of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD), you are going to meet with your supervisor to discuss your training needs with regards to safeguarding. This will involve reviewing your role as part of a team working across different organisations and with different individuals and ensuring that safeguarding principles and requirements of your organisation and profession are upheld. To prepare for your meeting, you need to produce a reflective account of your own practice that demonstrates your knowledge, skills, and behaviours with regards to safeguarding, working in partnership with others and review the effectiveness of various strategies implemented to reduce the risks of abuse and harm.
This activity will consist of a reflective account of how working practices and strategies can promote positive partnership working and to reduce the risks of abuse and harm. In this activity, you will need to critically evaluate different working practices and strategies in terms of their effectiveness in promoting positive partnership working and minimising the risk of abuse and harm to individuals of different ages, evaluate the impact legislation has on effective partnership working by providing examples to support own conclusions, critically reflect on own professional development in terms of how abuse and harm may be minimised through own personal and organisational working practice, discuss the different types of partnership that are involved in safeguarding, analyse the influence that legislation has on effective partnership working across social, community and health services, describe how organisational policy and practice can minimise abuse and harm to children, young people and vulnerable adults and review the effectiveness of different strategies embedded through working practices in minimising the risk of abuse and harm.