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E-Business Analysis: British Airways Pre and Post COVID-19


This coursework contributes 50% of the final marks for the E-Commerce module. Check the grading / assessment sheet (see last page) for how marks will be allocated. Work on your own for all parts of the work. You are encouraged to discuss the meaning of the tasks with other students, but the content of your answers must be your own original and individual work. You will need access to the Internet, the module blackboard site and other resources such as journals, conference proceedings, textbooks, etc.

Quotations and referencing

Your reports should be referenced in a recognised academic style (e.g. Harvard referencing style). List all sources, including ideas and suggestions taken from others. All words, diagrams, etc. taken from another source must be properly marked in the text and listed in the references section. See the DMU library site for further guidance.

What to submit

Part I (50%), Part II (30%), and Part III (20%):

 Submit an electronic copy via Turnitin before the deadline.

 Part I (500±10%) words report electronic copy via Turnitin.

 Part II (300±10%) words report electronic copy via Turnitin.

 Part III (200±10%) words report electronic copy via Turnitin.

 All three parts in one single submission / electronic copy via Turnitin.


All submissions close on Tuesday the 5th of May 2020 at 12.00 am (mid-night) and must be submitted via TurnitIn.

If you have a valid reason for late submission, apply to me before the deadline. Appropriate 3rd party written evidence must be provided in support of all such requests.

Return and feedback

Summative feedback and provisional grades normally within four weeks of submission. You will view your grade on Blackboard when these are available and should be around early June 2020.


Any attempt to obtain a pass by unfair means is very serious. All reports will be checked using plagiarism detection software. Cases of copying the work of another student or supplying solutions to fellow students will normally result in a fail grade of zero marks for the assignment. Any other use of unacknowledged material will be dealt with as appropriate. Formal disciplinary action, as in the University Regulations, may be taken against plagiarists. The disciplinary panel has the power to inflict serious penalties including expulsion from the course.

Viruses and backup

Make sure you are protected as far as possible against virus attack or other possible loss by retaining two backup copies of your work. Please ensure that email that you submit is free of viruses.

Detailed specification of Coursework 1.

1. Original research analysis about e-business that would be worth further research (50% of Coursework 1).   This section is concerned only with conducting a SWOT analysis of British Airways (BA) business model before the COVID-19 crisis.  Include short introductory paragraph(s) that explains what type of business BA does, some background analysis and information about BA, etc.  Your analysis showing the business Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and the Threats to the business model – applied research. Highlight some points showing how BA could have been better prepared to face this type of crisis.  

2. Original predictive research analysis about e-business that would be worth further research (30% of Coursework 1).  This section is concerned with conducting a predictive analysis post-COVID-19 using either Porter’s Competitive Forces Model or Albert Angehrn’s Model of British Airways (BA) after the COVID-19. Include short introductory paragraph(s) that explains what is happening to the company currently (during the COVID-19 period), your recommendations, some information about BA, etc. The new analysis will show how the business will be ready after COVID-19 with your expert advice using  either Porter’s Competitive Forces Model or Albert Angehrn’s Model to help British Airways (BA) after the COVID-19, looking at other similar business position, different helps, – applied research.

3. Original reflective analysis about e-business that would be worth further research (20% of Coursework 1).  This section is concerned with using your own analysis post-COVID-19 using different helps that maybe available to support British Airways (BA) after the COVID-19, in recruiting young expert in the area, what can be their contribution to BA’s new strategy, how can the help be wisely used, etc.  Include short introductory paragraph(s) that explains what is getting prepared to help companies currently, during the COVID-19 period, and after, to create new jobs, new opportunities for young experts, etc. This analysis will show the extent of your knowledge in using innovative approach to help BA after the COVID-19 with the possibility of getting help to carry on with their business – applied research.

Outline Marking Scheme

The British Airways case study is an interesting one and concerns many businesses finding themselves in an unpredictable situation. However, a serious business should be able to predict this type of situation.

1. Analyse and critical evaluation BA E-business strategy and activities before the crisis-business strategy and activities before the crisis-business strategy and activities before the crisis. Has BA predicted similar scenario, Use a SWOT analysis to give more inform about it, etc.

Your research should help you to answer these questions and conduct a clear and rational analysis.

2. Therefore, you should be able for example to state how BA might be using the governmental help which is being planned by all countries.

 Which company will benefit from this help, etc.

 How much will they get, etc.

 Identify areas where the money might go.

 Identify risks related to getting too much or too less help, etc.

Your analysis should show high level of coherence, rational, etc.

 Explain the need for a company to get help, why is that the government, why not through banks, etc.

 How bad has BA been hit by the crisis or is the company still in a good or fairly good shape, etc.

