Industry 4.0 implies a new industrial revolution, combining advanced productionand operations techniques with smart technologies that will be integrated into organizations, people and assets. This revolution is marked by the appearance of new technologies such as robotics, analytics, artificial intelligence, cognitive technologies, nanotechnology and the Internet of Things (IoT), among others. Organizations must identify the technologies that best meet their needs in order to invest in them. Thus, Industry 4.0 understand the range of new technologies that appear with this revolution such as: MES Systems (Manufacturing Execution Systems), MOM Systems (Manufacturing Operation Management), Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Collaborative Robotics, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Big Data, among many others. The impacts of Industry 4.0 can be felt on multiple levels, for example in the business ecosystem. In addition to the change in which companies operate and in the production of goods, Industry 4.0 affects all agents of the ecosystem (suppliers, customers, regulatory considerations, investors, third parties .Therefore, we can expect this to affect the operations and supply chain in the companies.
How can Industry 4.0 influence the supply chain? How can Industry 4.0 influence operations management in the company?
How can Industry 4.0 influence organizations?
How can Industry 4.0 influence people in the company?
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Hahn, G. J. (2020). Industry 4.0: a supply chain innovation perspective. International Journal of Production Research, 58(5), 1425-1441. Hofmann, E., Sternberg, H., Chen, H., Pflaum, A., & Prockl, G. (2019). Supply chain management and Industry 4.0: conducting research in the digital age. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 49(10), 945-955. Luthra, S. & Mangla, S. K. (2018). Evaluating challenges to Industry 4.0 initiatives for supply chain sustainability in emerging economies. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 117, 168-179. Manavalan, E., & Jayakrishna, K. (2019). A review of Internet of Things (IoT) embedded sustainable supply chain for industry 4.0 requirements. Computers & Industrial
Engineering, 127, 925-953. Pfohl, H. C., Yahsi, B., & Kurnaz, T. (2015). The impact of Industry 4.0 on the supply chain.
In Innovations and Strategies for Logistics and Supply Chains: Technologies, Business Models and Risk Management. Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), 20 (31-58). Berlin: epubli GmbH. Tjahjono, B., Esplugues, C., Ares, E., & Pelaez, G. (2017). What does industry 4.0 mean to supply chain? Procedia manufacturing,
Main contents: typed in Times New Roman, 12 Font, 1.5 line spacing Main heading: 14 Font, Bold; Sub-heading: 12 Font, Bold Numbering of headings and sub-headings where appropriate Use diagrams and tables where appropriate You can use bullet points in some, but not all, instances Report Structure Title page – (1) The title of the coursework must outline the project (for example, the title including the name of the firm), (2) module name/number.
Executive summary – Previews the main points from each section of the report and this should be no more than 1 page in length. (You can use bullet
points to present the summary) Table of contents – Includes all section headings with corresponding page numbers.
List of figures – This includes titles of all figures presented in the report withcorresponding page numbers
List of tables – This includes titles of all tables presented in the report with corresponding page numbers
Introduction – This is about what the report is for (i.e. purpose); for whom it is written (i.e. situation); and what are its main contents. Main body – This will include detailed answers for the problem identification Embed the literature review, or theoretical concepts, approaches and issues in
the overall analysis presented in the report.
Conclusions and recommendations – Summarise the main points of your analysis and discuss the recommendations. References – Use the appropriate sources for referencing (APA; Harvard,…). Appendices – If it is necessary, the secondary information table or summary can be presented as an appendix.
3.3 Using Reference Material for the Theoretical Background:
The report MUST use a minimum of 5 academic journal articles in developing the theoretical concepts. These journal articles can be either from the list of
articles recommended in the essential reading books for lecture topics, or the student can use other journal articles too. Suggested Journal Lists Journal of Operations Management International Journal of Operations and Production Management Production and Operations Management Journal of Supply Chain Management Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Production Planning and Control Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Etc. In addition, the report should show evidence of an extensive use of other well established and reputable literature sources such as books, other journal articlesor other sources of information from business newspapers and magazines.