To be completed by student: I certify that, other than where collaboration has been explicitly permitted, this work is the result of my individual effort and that all sources for materials have been acknowledged. I also confirm that I have read and understood the codes of practice on plagiarism contained within the Glyndwr Academic Regulations and that, by signing this printed form or typing my name on an electronically submitted version, I am agreeing to be dealt with accordingly in anycase of suspected unfair practice.
There are three assignments,
Assignment 1 Individually, undertake the online Moodle end of module test
Assignment 2 Individually, you will prepare for and take a practical networking exercise, given to you by your lecturer.
Assignment 3 Individually, you will write a paper on modern network management and security within a large enterprise network, considering the latest developments in network technology. The paper should consider your approach to the following elements:
• Network design - Scaling enterprise networks – As a network administrator, how would you ensure that a network can scale?
• Routing Protocols - Compare and contrast available routing protocols. Which one would you choose and justify your choice, also consider the following aspects:
o How would you optimise your chosen routing protocol implementation?
o Would more than one routing protocol be beneficial?
o Other alternatives to routing protocols
• Network Security – Implementation of VLANs, ACLs and Firewalls. Why are they needed and how would they be implemented? Are there other elements of security that should be considered?
• Connectivity – How would the network campus be connected? (Consider the physical environment and constraints of the network campus).
• Remote Access – How could network resources be accessed remotely?
• Quality of Service – How would QoS be implemented and why?
• Troubleshooting – What tools would you implement to aid in troubleshooting network issues?
There are no right or wrong answers to any of the aspects pointed out above, however justification must be provided for your choices.
Assignment 1
Specific times will be set up to take the end of module Moodle test:
Assignment 2
The practical networking exercise will follow Christmas break
Assignment 3
Using the two-column IEEE more than a single diagram per A4 page. You will lose marks for writing more or less or failing toobserve the correct format. This is important! You will each submit an individual paper, which must be entirely your own work. However, you will work in pairs on the practical exercises. You will be given this later.
Submission of the report must be in word or pdf format via the link on VLE (Moodle) under COM739 Networking Hardware & Software (remember to include the completed front sheet) and do NOT compress (ZIP, RAR, etc.) the file. Electronic submissions in an inappropriate format or without a front sheet will not be marked. Submission deadline 08/01/18.
Grading Criteria
A grade C will be awarded for a partially functional network exercise and a paper showing awareness of most aspects of practical networking.
A grade B will be awarded for a fully functional network exercise and a paper showing complete awareness of practical networking.
A grade A will be awarded for a complete exercise and paper, with clear insight into the problems of translating isolated networking skills into useful techniques for real-world scenarios.
Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate competence in the use of networking hardware and software in both theory and practice
2. Compare and contrast available networking hardware and software products for different applications
3. Develop strategies for planning and implementing networking solutions or dealing with networking problems in real time
4. Synthesize networking solutions from complex information sources and models and judge their suitability
5. Reflect upon the difference between the theory of networking and the practical requirements of the workplace