BUSI1630 Cross-Cultural Management and Diversity Management
The introduction should provide a clear context and framework for the case analysis. Provide an overview of your chosen MNC - the key characteristics of the company – its aims, objectives, size, structure, and locations of international operations. Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages for the company operating in different countries and the relevance and importance of cross-cultural management for the success of the MNC. You are required to choose a multinational company (MNC) on which to carry out a case study analysis. You will use relevant cross-cultural management theories to ground your answers to the following questions: Part 1 (20 marks)
Introduction - context and framework for the essay. Provide an overview of your chosen MNC. The overview should discuss the key characteristics of the company – its aims, objectives, size, structure, and locations of international operations. Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages for the company operating in different countries and the relevance and importance of cross-cultural management for the success of the MNC. Part 2 (40 marks)
With reference to relevant cross-cultural theories and leadership theories, discuss how national cultural differences might influence the management of people at foreign subsidiaries of the MNC. Part 3 (20 marks)
Discuss how international managers might overcome barriers to effective communication in multicultural teams.
Marking Criteria
Case Analysis Marks allocated to criteria:
Part 1 - Introduction
Does the introduction provide a clear context and framework for the case analysis? Does the introduction outline the relevance and importance of cross-cultural management for the multinational company? 20 points
Part 2
Does the answer use relevant cross-cultural management theories and leadership theories to evaluate how national cultural differences might influence the management of people at the foreign subsidiaries of the MNC? 40 points
Part 3
Does the essay indicate a comprehensive understanding of the literature on how international managers might overcome barriers to effective communication in multicultural teams? 20 points
Clarity of structure and mechanical Soundness Is the essay well organised and logically constructed to achieve synthesis while being mindful of the needs of the reader? Is the essay clearly written, spell checked and grammatically sound? 10 points
Is the essay referenced appropriately? Does the essay include a minimum of 10 academic sources in the reference list? 10 points