Plagiarism is presenting somebody else's work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student's coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the University.
All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet, books) must bereferenced correctly according to the reference style you are using.Your work will be submitted for plagiarism checking. Any attempt to bypass ourplagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment Offence. This is an INDIVIDUAL coursework. Greenwich Cabs is a small minicab company operating with only 10 cars. The company also employs four dispatchers. The function of the dispatcher is to record the journeys and the fares. The company needs to record this information for legal reasons and in order to calculate the percentage that the drivers pay. This percentage is based on 20% of the fare which is paid for the work the company provides to the drivers. The dispatcher needs to record:
• The start time of the journey
• The pickup point
• The destination
• The driver’s ID
• Name of the passenger, if available
• The fare
• The optional tip
• If the job is an account job, the name of the account
• If a telephone number is needed it is recorded
The company is looking for a software solution that will allow the company to store this data and to allow querying of that data. Your function is to provide a software solution using Java. You are asked to design and implement an application with a graphical user interface that will allow the user to input the journey data. Before the beginning of the journey the dispatchers enter at least the first four bullet points (see above). At some point, when the journey has ended, the fare of the journey is entered. Usually before the fare is entered, other intervening jobs have been added to the system. You should approach this coursework by designing and implementing a stand-alone version using
Java, using an object-oriented approach. Coursework Stages There are a number of stages to the development and not all students will manage all the stages. Each stage will be awarded the marks up to the maximum allocated ONLY when handed in AND accompanied by relevant section in the final report. In addition, you cannot get marks for a particular stage unless you have made a reasonable attempt at all of the previous stages. You may also lose marks if your code contains runtime errors, or your report is missing one or more sections.
Design a suitable GUI for this application with sketches of the layout. You should allow for your
design to simulate of input of the selection of drivers and such. You will also need to include a ‘cancel’ facility that allows the dispatcher to reset any selection made.
Implement the system which you designed in stage 1 in prototype form WITHOUT functionality (just the GUI appearance). You may use any of the examples supplied in the course material as a basis on which to get started – typically you will need radio buttons and/or a drop-down menu (JComboBox), buttons, and text fields. You might also consider using spinners.
Adapt the code to perform validation, i.e. checking for bad input such as a value of ‘four’ rather than ‘4’. Ensure that the software works as expected in the required environment (the University’s lab machine). Design white box testing of your system (using a test table) and provide evidence of both the functionality of your program and the testing results. Discuss your plan explaining why/how you
chose your tests. Discuss the results of your testing, pointing out any deficiencies/strengths of your
Extend the program further with an auxiliary class, which uses a text or CSV file to load and save
the data.
This program may be improved in several ways:
a) The use of a JTable for input and/or output.
b) There is a map facility.c) Using a database such as JavaDB (Derby): Details of the journeys are to be stored in a suitably designed database, which you should design and populate with data yourself. You should have data for at least 20 journeys and four drivers.
d) Enhance GUI by using images, audio or combine multiple GUIs into single one.
e) A reporting system using calendar for date selection.
f) An innovation of your own devising which you have discussed with your tutor beforehand.