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Coursework Submission Requirements
Part 1: Project planning case study- worth 30%
In this section you are required to work individually to define a set of requirements for the Hospital Sterile Services case (I1). A preliminary design (I2) should follow again as part of your work. I3 is the proposed planning and it is required – you cannot get marks for I1 and I2 without it. You should then create a CoCoMo estimation for the project (I4) and conduct a Social, Legal and Ethical review of the project (I5).
Deliverables from part 1:
I1: Requirements specification (5 marks) – Individual Work
I2: Design work (5 marks) – Individual Work
I3: Proposed planning (A Gantt chart or similar) – you must do this to get marks for I1 & I2
I4: CoCoMo (10 marks) – Individual Work
I5: Social, Legal and Ethical review of the project (10 marks) – Individual Work
The Case Study: Hospital Sterile Services
The sterile services department of a large hospital manages the cleaning and sterilisation of surgical and other medical instruments used at various medical procedures such as medical operations in the hospital. Surgical instrument are organised in trays, each identified by a unique identification number. A medical procedure will typically use one or more of trays of surgical instruments. The tray id is recorded in the procedure notes, so that the history of any instruments used can be traced at any time in the future and cross-referenced to individual patients and medical personnel. Each procedure type requires a prescribed number of trays, each with a predetermined list of contents, specific for this type of operation.
After a procedure, some or all of the instruments used may need to be disposed of. Any individual instruments disposed of are replaced by brand new ones. The trays are then loaded on trolleys and taken through a series of cleansing and sterilisation procedures. Typically, each tray is washed to remove any organic matter and then put through a series of operations to sterilise them. The series of required sterilisation operations depend on the tray instrument list type. For each sterilisation operation, the operator name, sterilisation machine identification, date and time need to be recorded. Your software consultancy company has been approached to automate the current process that is largely paper based. The aim is to create a software system that can automate the process and allow integration with other hospital information systems.
You are required to model the current business system and propose a new, integrated software system that will include all current functionality and enhancements needed.
Your job is to elicit the exact requirements from the case study. Any clarifications that you need to make will be done in questions and answer sessions with your client (your lecturer) during class. You can make further assumptions, as well. However, you will (as good software engineers) record any conclusions and assumptions you make from these discussions to be included in your final documentation/report appendix.
Part 2: Management report for the production of an academic essay – worth 30%
For this task you are required to perform some management for the production of a quality assurance on your essay part 3. You should document as a detailed section in your coursework how you will ensure both process and product quality, time management using project planning techniques and risk assessment. You should also include review of your plan once the work is complete.
This part your coursework should include the following:
Deliverables from part 2:
I6: QA plan with commercial risk assessment (10 marks) and time management (30 marks) Your QA plan should guide your production of Part 3
Part 3: Academic essay – worth 40%
You are to submit an academic style paper.
In his seminal paper “No Silver Bullet – Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering1 ” Fred
Brooks Jr. questioned whether there could be a “silver bullet” that could lay to rest the monsters of missed schedules, blown budgets and flawed products. He argued that software development is ultimately reliant on good designers and good managers and so advances in technology and methodology such as object-orientated analysis and design or programming languages can never give more than marginal gains. He concluded that “Building software will always be hard. There is inherently no silver bullet.”
However, that paper was written nearly thirty years ago and in that time there have been a number of advances which claim to specifically address the problems of large scale systems development. You are to research and prepare a report on one of these techniques from the following list:
Your report should be an academic style discussion that critically evaluates the technique’s value in light of software engineering’s inherent problems and concludes by discussing how far the technology does, or does not, go toward supporting the view expressed by Brooks in the quotation given above. The report should have solid academic content and you should therefore base your discussion on at least one refereed paper from a leading computing or software engineering journal such as IEEE Software, IEEE Computing or Communications of the ACM.
This is a level seven degree coursework and therefore, as well as a demonstrating that you have learnt some facts or skills, you are being assessed on your ability to research, think and reason and then articulate your findings and conclusions.
You will be assessed on the following points:
Knowledge & Comprehension:
Evaluation / critique