This Assignment is based on the following scenario. Its approach is incremental, with tasks to be completed during the teaching weeks 4 to 9. It is designed to go through the process of developing a C++ program (i.e. analysis, design, implementation, testing and documentation). The task also requires your reflection on the development process.
Task One is to develop and document an Information System to save and process students’ grades. Task Two is to analytically reflect on your experience in achieving task one above.
You have been recruited to develop a prototype Information Management System to save and process students’ grades. The new system will represent a grade book that the school administrator can use to maintain students’ test scores. For this prototype, assume that you have 5 courses and the maximum number of students in each course is 20.
A list of the proposed functional requirements was listed below. You must develop the first two requirements, which are essential to run basic operations, plus any additional one from the desirable remaining requirements. ant in your findings and tell the reader which findings you consider to be most Essential Functional Requirements (EFR):
1. Be able to save students’ scores of each course. You are free to use any data structure for saving data.
2. Be able to display all the scores of all students.
Desirable Functional Requirements (DFR):
1. Be able to update the scores. User will be prompted to enter the course name or student id.
2. Be able to sort the scores of any course in a descending order.
3. Be able to delete any score. User will be prompted to enter the course name or student id.
For this project you are required to develop a fully working program in C++. Your design should reflect your knowledge of C++ language constructs. In addition, you must ensure that the program is error free.
Internal documentation is essential in real life project development to ease any future maintenance and additional requirements. Therefore, your code should take this in consideration for examples, using sensible names for variables, proper indentations, adding sufficient comments or remarks on program code.
Your second task is to write a self-reflective commentary about the design and development experiences you had while undertaking the project, and what you learned about your own work practices as a result.
Having created your programme(s), you should write a self-reflective commentary (approx. 800 words +-10%) critically reflecting on your project. Your ccommentary should critically explore the work you have done to produce your Project.
You should reflect on:
1. Your research as you produced your Project.
2. The decisions you made as you worked on your Project.
3. Where you think you succeeded and where you think you could have room for improvement.
4. What you would do differently if you were to attempt to do your Project again and what you would do with your Project if you could develop it further.