Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
1.Appreciate different perspectives on the nature and implications of globalisation
2.Analyse national and cultural similarities and differences, and their implications for doing business locally and globally
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
3.Reflect critically on the implications of cultural differences for international business communication
4.Demonstrate ability to work in multi-cultural teams in an international business setting
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches 40 for levels 4, 5 and 6 or 50 for level 7 (PG). If a submission is more than 5 days after the published deadline, a grade of zero will be awarded. Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 40, no lateness penalty will be applied. All assignments must be uploaded on studynet/canvas using Turnitin, and where collusion or similarities are identified will receive standard penalties.
A detailed breakdown of the marking scheme is shown below:
·Introduction to the essay: 5%
·Presentation and structure: 10%
·Evaluation and analytical research skills: 20%
·Reflecting on the perceived cultural differences and similarities: 20%
·Reflecting on and evaluating performance within the team : 20%
·Setting appropriate goals/plans for future development: 20%
Drawing appropriate conclusion: 5%
This is an individual reflective report and requires students to recall or reflect on what happened throughout the learning journey of the module. This reflective report has a word count limit of 800 words. It is vital for students to follow an evaluative approach in writing their reports by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses, and potential areas of improvements. It is also vital for students to use examples to back up their arguments, as that serves as evidence to support their arguments. This report accounts for 30% of the overall grade. It is important to note that, the use of references and citations are not mandatory for this assignment, but useful for either strengthening an argument or supporting a statement made. The use of citations and references are vital as long as they consistently support your argument/statement. A step by step plan of what is expected from students to write in the report is presented below:
(a)Introduction: students are expected to introduce their report by briefly discussing the expected content of the essay
(b)Self-awareness: this presents students with the opportunity to reflect on how the see themselves as colleagues do and highlight what they have learnt about themselves throughout the module. It is important to emphasise your strengths and weaknesses
(c)Teamwork: teamwork will be a fundamental part of your life as a professional after graduation and reflecting on how you fitted in your team is very important. It is important to highlight the issues you encountered in the team as well as the good things you have learnt about team work
(d)Perspective of culture: this aspect links with your working in a team discussed in section (c) above. It is essential to note that cultural differences and similarities do exist when working together as a team. Highlight the cultural similarities and differences you experienced as a team member and state how it impacted on the group’s progress
(e)Research skills: Researching is a fundamental part of academic life and understanding their daily applications is an important part of your learning journey. Reflect on the research skills you have learnt throughout the module, including referencing, citing and searching literature and discussing how it has influenced your learning.
(f)Personal development plan: In discussing the issues above, you must have highlighted certain weaknesses in your character as an individual. It is important to develop a plan and discuss how you will address those weaknesses going forward. As individuals, we all have weaknesses and learning how to eradicate or curb their impacts on our lives is a fundamental part of our learning curve.
like all reports, it is important to make a concluding statement on the issues you have discussed. It is important to highlight the key issues that you consider important and justify their usefulness.