The Interim Report utilises the "Quiz" mechanism in Canvas. It is suggested you write out your responses in MS Word or equivalent and edit them there, then cut and paste the final submission into the text entries as indicated.
In this section, give a brief summary of the project to date. You should include the following:
Provide a proposed content page for your final report.
This should identify chapters in the report and major sections within those chapters.
Please discuss with your supervisor, use the lecture on report writing and the example reports on Canvas for guidance.
In this section the student should expand upon the knowledge they have gained and skills they have acquired in undertaking their project so far.
The statement should detail the knowledge that has been acquired and include a brief overview of the research and experimentation undertaken, as well as problems met and solutions implemented, during the learning process.
This exercise is designed to provide an introduction to a detailed description written in the final report, but should be limited to one or two examples at this stage.
In this section, the student should comment on the the research undertaken during and since the Project Planning module and how it has been applied in the context of the project or is planned to be applied in the remainder of the project.
Quote relevant sources used and collated throughout your literature review and research.