Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
•Analyse the management of people in an organisational context;
•Critically review models and theories of personal development and interactive behaviour at work and apply these in practice
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
•Explore academic problem solving skills of critical analysis, evaluation and integrating theory
•Reflect critically and creatively and provide reasoned and rigorous analyses;
•Design and develop relevant personal and interactive skills.
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Performance will be assessed using Grading Criteria and Mark scheme.
Guidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Assessment Feedback Form or on the StudyNet Feedback Form within 4 weeks of submission.
Assignments submitted up to one week late will receive a maximum numeric grade of:
Plagiarism offences will receive standard penalties.
Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment
Assignment Title and Description of the Assignment:
1.Briefly outline why you chose to do an MSc in Management. Critically evaluate the importance of interpersonal skills for successful management, giving practical examples.
Make reference to relevant authors in your answer.
2.Using a suitable CPD Log, review the interpersonal skills you personally have developed over the last six months. Then using a CPD Plan, outline which skills you plan to develop over the next six months in order to prepare you for your future career, and how you will go about this.
Answer both questions. Approximately 750 words for each. State total word count at the front of your assignment.
Marks Awarded for:
Critical evaluation of the evidence that interpersonal skills contributes to effective management.
Application of relevant authors and research plus relevant practical examples.
Critical reflection and analysis of a personal experience of own skills development in the form of a detailed log and plan using specific and evidence-based examples.
Clear presentation
Relevant referencing
A note to the Students:
For postgraduate modules, a score of 50% or above represents a pass mark.
It is essential:
-that you use Harvard Referencing
-that you thoroughly answer all aspects of the assignment.
-use a range of recent academic resources. e.g. books, journals, websites etc.
-do not use website references alone.
-read the area “marks awarded for” and ensure you address those areas in your answer.
Plagiarism and collusion constitute academic offences. To avoid these:
-Make sure the work you produce is your own
-Use reputable sources
-Write in your own words
-Cite all sources correctly
See CASE web site or seek help from AEB tutor
Presentation and Structure
Harvard Referencing
Content and findings
Business Application and Integration of Data and Literature
Analysis, Critical Evaluation and Reflection
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Performance will be assessed using Grading Criteria and Mark scheme.
Guidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Assessment Feedback Form or on the StudyNet Feedback Form within 4 weeks of submission.
For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches. If a submission is more than 5 working days after the published deadline, a grade of zero will be awarded.
Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 40, no lateness penalty will be applied;