This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes (from Definitive Module Document):
Have a knowledge and deep understanding of a variety of AL techniques and methods applicable across domains ranging from molecular computational biology and evolution of agents to behaviour-oriented and social robotics.
In this project you must program a simulated robot in Unity to autonomously navigate a track with a range of obstacles. You will be provided with a complete Unity project for this assignment and must not change any parameters of this project, the onlyaspect of this project you should edit is the RobotController.cs script. Youare free to develop the controller in any way you see fit, the measure of success on this project will be how far the robot makes it round the course, the time it achieves, and the smoothness of the trajectory taken, this is an entirely results based assessment.
Example of basic expected behaviour
Click here to download starting project file (now includes controller script)
You must write a piece of code to control the robot to enable it to successfully complete the track provided. Your code must adhere to the following requirements:
You must use the following variables but can set these as you see fit, when setting these they must be set in the code:
It is advised that you use at least the following two functions in your code:
A screen recording of your robot running (10 marks)
Regardless of the performance you must provide a screen recording of your robot running from start to finish using the controller you developed to illustrating the performance of the robot.
You MUST submit a screen recording and it MUST be from the robot running the code you developed. Since you are being provided with the full project and must not change anything apart from the RobotController.cs code it will run identically on another machine. If there is an obvious difference in the performance of the file you submit against the recording that you submit this will be considered an attempted false representation and will subsequently receive a grade of 0.