Research question, Aims, Objectives Task list, Risk Assessment. – 1000 words (This section drives all the content of the execution of your project, you are measured against this in the judgment of your project.)
Research Question
You should aim to outline a research question. Your research question is the primary question your project sets out to answer, or the problem you are trying to solve.
Produce a summary of what your project will achieve in one or two sentences, expands the research question.
Scope, Objectives and Risk
Set out the project objectives. These are the steps you will carry out to achieve the aims and to accomplish what you have set out to do in the research question.
In this section you should be mindful of how you are going to be judged when you submit your project report, see the marking scheme in the KF7029 Digital Technologies Project Handbook (located under Blackboard assessment tab for KF7028).
For example, part one of the marking scheme requires a literature review hence your first objective should be, “Construct a literature review (in a subject linked to the proposed area of investigation). A further objective needs to reflect the practical work that you will carry out in the execution of the project.
For each objective outline, ensure your objective is specific and you can outline what will be delivered either to the project report or as a project artifact, estimate how long the objective should take in terms of days/weeks. Outline what research method/design you will adopt for each objective and how each method will support one another. Construct a statement that identifies how you will measure the quality of the contribution to the project. For example:
Construct a literature review in the use of AI and predictive systems.
Deliverable – Chapter 2 in the project report, recommendations to be incorporated into either the practical work or in future recommendations.
Approach will be to thoroughly explore research in the AI and predictive systems, focusing on research in the last 5 year.
Quality of the work will be judged on the use of literature, strength of the discussion, in terms of relevancy, logic, balance of the deliberation.
Task list
Break down the objectives into tasks and produce a task list, each task should outline, deliverable, resources (all types) required, skills required, time required.
Produce a risk log (see example on your Blackboard Assessment tab) for you project. Each objective should be assessed based on risks, such as technical, personal, resources, time, and costs etc factors.
Gantt Chart/Monitoring and Control Table
Using your task list, construct a Gantt chart and a Monitoring and Control table (see examples given your Blackboard Assessment tab. The monitoring and control table is set up in this proposal but used during the execution of your KF7029 project.
Sources and use of Knowledge.
Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues.
Using literature, write out a separate section for Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues. In your deliberations discuss, explore and define all of the issues associated with your project, including how you will consider security issues. If you think an area of this section is not applicable to your project, you should justify why this is the case; leaving any section blank will result in a loss of marks.