You have been successful in gaining an internship with a consultancy business called Claret and Blue Consultancy Ltd Your line manager is preparing to host a 2-day Global Trade Conference. This is an event where organisations interested in exp ending their business into new markets will be seeking information and advice on undertaking business in a global environment. As part of your internship you will assist your line manager in organising and preparing for the event. You have been asked to complete a number of tasks.
3. At the conference, your line manager is approached by the Chief Executive of an organisation representing local businesses. The Chief Executive has asked Claret and Blue Consultancy to produce a booklet which his members would use as an example of the types of issues impacting on business activities in a named country. Your line manager has asked you to produce a draft for his consideration. In the booklet you must.
3.1 Review the current environment in which global business organisations are currently operating in your named country The review should be detailed and specific examining the issues and opportunities which organisations are facing in the named country. Learners must provide a range of information and examples should be used to illustrate how the environment is impacting on different organisations, both favourably and unfavourably.Review the current environment in which global business organisations are currently operating in a specified.
Firstly, select a specified country that you wish to analyseand review (summarise) the current business environment for this specified country. There is no further specific guidance, however, you may want to consider some or all the following: current and planned economic integrations. Current and planned tariffs and other trade barriers. Current and planned corporate taxation. Relevant and current elements of the four major risks (including currency risk). Current and relevant projects and initiatives of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The current and relevant actions of relevant business cartels, and the current cost of financing a firm’s operations with debt that may include commentary on the current and future actions of central banks. Ensure that these topics relate to the country you have selected and only to this country or this country and other countries if you are using other countries as a comparison. Remember that your country of choice will reside within an area of economic integration, and you should take the polices etc. of this region of economic integration into account.
B. Your booklet must also discuss strategies to address issues affecting business activities in your named country The booklet must be appropriate for the specified audience. The learner needs to consider a range of strategies which are directly related to the named country and the learner should express views on their success or potential for success.Activity Discuss strategies to address issues affecting business activities in a specified country Please write your answer here (keep the original formatting).
• Bearing in mind, and building on your review in the previous activity, and using the same selected country as the previous activity. Discuss (using an analysis, for example, advantages and disadvantages) the adoption of different strategies and business models (class 3, week 2) for a small variety of different types of businesses within your specified country.
• You may want to consider a firm that is domestically focused and imports many components for itsproducts to sell within the home country versus a home country firm that uses mainly home country sourced raw materials but relies on a strong export market for its revenue. You may use actual examples of ´real-life ‘companies or simply analyse types of firms in a manner like above.
B. Your booklet must in addition assess the opportunities and challenges to a specific business organisation of operating in your named country The learner must identify the organisation and the country which are the basis for their work. The assessment must consider the strengths and weaknesses of the opportunities and challenges and lead to personal judgements.Assess the opportunities and challenges to a specific business organisation operating in a specified country Please write your answer here (keep the original formatting)…….
NOTE: To earn a full score, the answer should be detailed, deep and justified
• Bearing in mind, and building on your analysis in the previous activity, and using the same selected country as the previous activity. Evaluatethe adoption of different strategies and business models (class 3, week 2) for a small variety of different types of businesses within your specified country. (In practice, this means using a reasoned judgement of output of the analysis, i.e., evaluate the advantages or disadvantages or SWOT categories for the different types of firms’ that you have analysed within your specified country to make a reasoned and believable judgement on the best strategy considering the current business environment).
• In summary, you are using the outcome of the analysis (perhaps the advantages and disadvantages or SWOT items) you have developed in the previous activity to make judgements based on a reasoned evaluation of this analytical output to justify the selection of certain strategies and business models (class 3, week 2) for different types of firms within your specified country.