Sample assignment 1
How Socio-economic inequalities impact mental health
Conducts a database search Only for the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) via the EBSCO host database. The rationale for using CINAHL is that it has articles on health/ mental health.
1. Is exercise an effective intervention for depression?
2. How do socio-economic inequalities impact on mental health?
3. Cannabis and psychosis: what is the link?
Evidence based practice is “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of the individual patient. It means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research” (Sackett et al., 1996). This assignment will present a description of the process utilised in undertaking a literature search. The search was in relation to the treatment and care of Afro Caribbean service users in the mental health service in the United Kingdom using the CINAHL database. This will include a description of the results from the search, an overview of the evidence found, and its relevance to the chosen topic.
The results of the search with be recorded and and a copy of the search will be included in the appendix as evidence of having undertaken a search of the literature.
A 3,000-word written assignment
Conduct a literature search using the skills developed during the module on the topic provided. Explain and reflect on the literature searching process and include a table of the search terms used (see appendix below). Choose 5 pieces of literature from your final search results and describe them, comment on why you chose them, their findings and their relevance to your nursing practice.
Introduction (approx. 300 words)
Introduce the assignment and clearly outline what you aim to do. Tell the reader what will be included in the assignment and in what order.
Introduce, define and discuss the importance of evidence based practice in relation to your field of nursing including the use and definition of evidence based practice
Search (approx. 800 words)
Introduce your search terms. Outline how you performed your literature search i.e what database(s) you used, inclusion and exclusion criteria, any other filters used and provide rationale for these decisions with references.
Outline how you identified your key articles. Include enough detail so that your search could be conducted by the person reading it. Include a copy of your search in the appendices
Discussion (approx. 1000 words)
Give an overview of the 5 key articles in detail, using the following questions;
In point 2 remember to use research terminology e.g. quantitative, qualitative and provide definitions to explain these terms.
Conclusion (approx. 300 words)
This should summarise how you conducted the literature search and the results that you found as well as the key points from your articles.
Revisit the original research question to ensure this has been answered.
Implications for practice (approx. 300 words)
Outline the implications for your practice as a nurse. What has the evidence added to your knowledge base? Identify strategies from the studies you selected and consider how they could be implemented in practice. What further information would you like to know? How does the process of searching for the evidence inform your practice? Were there gaps in the evidence? This is where you bring what you have identified through the research and formulate your own recommendations.