EDUC70372 Educational Leadership and Diversity
‘There is no simple formula that produces greatness in a headteacher or school principal. The best ones are individuals who know their own minds and have their own ideas’ (Sutcliffe, 2013, pvi) 3,000-4,000 assignment
Certain examples of leadership are more likely to succeed in an educational context than others. Do you agree? In your answer, you can consider the following:
- Different models of leadership
- The difference between leadership and management, particularly in schools
- The relationship between leadership and the individual
- The importance of context
Possible Plan & Tips
Introduction - guide your reader, set out your intentions, use the wording, show you know
Different Types of leader
- Quote implies it is about the person – is that right?
- Could anyone do it?
- Does context matter?
- Could be a simple formula?
What does greatness look like?
- What makes a great leader?
- How can this be assessed? What would the criteria be?
Greatness in Education?
- Is it wrong to just focus on being leader if it is a head teacher/principal?
- Know their own mind? Is it their job to lead?
- Have ideas – who’s vision leads the school? What about the staff/ community – collaboration?
- How is leadership assessed in Education? Ofsted, 360o review
Conclusion – nothing new, bring it together, answer the question Do you agree??