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Assessment Criteria for Research Projects

Excellent Work

• Excellent work which contains appropriate source material and shows analysis, originally or creativity of approach and a clear, well- articulated understanding of the subject matter.

• Wide research incorporating up to date, relevant and high-quality source material and use of appropriate reference sources.

• Excellent engagement with themes and concepts discussed in the weekly workshops (e.g. the end of the Cold War, globalisation, human security) that are relevant to the research topic.

• Excellent with few or no errors in organisation, structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, or use of diagrams and tables.
• Perfect use of Harvard format for referencing.

• Very good work which is clearly written, well argued and covers the subject matter in a thorough, thoughtful and competent manner. Contains some originality of approach, insight or synthesis.

• Good evidence of research and good use of up to date, relevant and high-quality source material.

• Very good engagement with themes and concepts discussed in the weekly workshops (e.g. globalisation, technological development, inequalities, injustices) that are relevant to the research topic.

• Very good presentation, organisation, grammar, spelling, punctuation, diagrams and tables.

• Close to perfect use of Harvard format for referencing.

• A very good, well presented piece of work covering much of the subject matter and which is clearly and lucidly written. Good attempt to consider and evaluate the material presented.

• Evidence of research in the topic area and use of appropriate reference sources.

• Some engagement with themes and concepts discussed in the weekly workshops (e.g. globalisation, technological development, inequalities, injustices) that are relevant to the research topic.

• Good organisation, structure, use and flow of language, grammar, spelling, format, diagrams, tables etc.

• Accurate use of Harvard format for referencing.

• Work that demonstrates understanding of the topic area with some attempt to discuss material.

• Evidence of research in the topic area extending beyond key texts, and use of appropriate reference sources.

• Satisfactory presentation and/or use of references.

• A satisfactory attempt to follow directions regarding organisation, structure, use and flow of language, grammar, spelling, format, diagrams, tables etc.

• Largely accurate use of Harvard format for referencing.

• Work that attempts to address the topic and demonstrates some understanding of the basic aspects of the subject matter, but with significant areas for improvement noted in several areas.

• Topic is researched using mainly books and internet.

• A basic attempt to follow directions regarding organisation, structure, use and flow of language, grammar, spelling, format, diagrams, tables, etc.

• May be limited errors in use of Harvard format for referencing.

Work in this range attempts to address the question/problem but is substantially incomplete and deficient.

Serious problems with a number of aspects of language use are often found in work in this range and the work may be severely under/over-length and/or fails to grasp the nature of the topic matter.

Content, analysis, expression, structure and use of sources will be very weak or missing. Frequent errors in use of Harvard format for referencing.

No serious attempt to address the question or problem, and/or manifests a serious misunderstanding of the requirements of the assignment. Acutely deficient in all aspects.
